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Inspiración para amplificarse

Bienestar mental

abril 17, 2020

How to Boost Normalcy During COVID-19

COVID-19 has fundamentally altered the way we live our lives. And, as the pandemic continues to spread, it’s important to resist cycles of despair and despondency in order to continue living happy, full lives. A… Seguir leyendo

Working from Home

abril 10, 2020

3 Steps to Increase At-Home Productivity During COVID-19

The global lockdown from COVID-19 has you, like most people, working from home. And you’re quickly realizing that what used to be a “life goal” is harder than it looks. Between the kids, partners, laundry,… Seguir leyendo

A woman is using the stairs to add workday activity

marzo 4, 2020

5 Simple Ways to Add Workday Activity Through Movement

Circulation is life. Stagnation is death. Workday Activity is Essential. This is one of the very first things I learned as a healer back in the early ‘90’s. For the masses of humans who spend… Seguir leyendo


febrero 19, 2020

5 Tricks to Improve Your Sleep

How to get enough sleep has over 1.1 million Google hits, which means you are not alone in your quest for better sleep! The importance of deep, restful sleep cannot be overlooked, as sleep is… Seguir leyendo

Goal Setting

febrero 11, 2020

Accomplish your Goals by Avoiding these 3 Common Mistakes

Have you tried setting personal wellness goals that end up being way too hard to accomplish? You’re definitely not alone, and it seems as though many of us are making the same goal-setting mistakes. Not… Seguir leyendo

Alimentación limpia

febrero 3, 2020

Easy and Practical Ways to Eat Clean

“Eating healthy is expensive.” “It’s too much work and I don’t have the time.” Sound familiar? You’re not alone! It’s common to feel overwhelmed when it comes to eating wholesome and clean food, both financially… Seguir leyendo

TaskHuman User Journeys

enero 27, 2020

How TaskHuman helped this Navy Spouse Rediscover her Strength and Resilience

Relocating to the West Coast was a challenging transition for Navy spouse, Tiffany Taylor. She felt isolated and overwhelmed. As the “glue of the family,” she became concerned when she felt she was going from… Seguir leyendo

TareaProveedores humanos
Diane Soulakis

enero 23, 2020

Discover Your Personal Wellness Path with Coach Diane Soulakis

Through her personal life transition, Diane Soulakis learned about her desire and gift to help others live their best life. She’s adept at working with people from all walks of life and truly loves being… Seguir leyendo

TareaProveedores humanos
Katie Bishop

enero 17, 2020

Improve Your Eating Habits with Coach Katie Bishop

Katie’s Journey: Katie Bishop grew up dreaming of being a doctor but was always obsessed with nutrition. When she realized nutrition wasn’t a big focus in medical school, she shifted direction and ultimately found her… Seguir leyendo


enero 15, 2020

The Secret to Keeping Your Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions can be tricky to keep, but this all-too-common issue doesn’t have to be the case. It turns out this universal problem is simply the result of setting resolutions that are sky-high, hard… Seguir leyendo

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