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Una nueva experiencia

Amplify Your Employees’ Daily Work & Personal Lives


Support your global employees both at home and at work with a benefit your workforce will love. Build & sustain morale, improve health & well-being, increase productivity, and support personal and professional goals through personalized guidance via 1:1 video calls.

Finally A Benefit That Integrates Employees Work And Personal Lives

Supporting your employees lives just got a lot easier. Create equity across your global team and give them the freedom to choose what aspects of their life they want 1:1 support. After all, everyone is unique! Our network covers physical fitness, mental well-being, leadership coaching, ERG support, diversity & inclusion, and nearly 1000 additional topics.

Global Support For Your Organization

Puente cultural para conectar a todos

Support for the whole company. Powered by a global, culturally diverse community of specialists covering nearly 1000 topics. Employees have the freedom to explore and amplify their lives wherever they are, whenever they want. TaskHuman specialists are highly vetted, passionate about helping others and available 24/7 to support your global employee community.

Precios simplificados

Learning shouldn’t have a cap

Enjoy an employee benefit that gives you the freedom to keep your budgets tight and consistent across your global enterprise. With TaskHuman’s unlimited pricing model, every member of your organization can engage in limitless ways to address their goals privately and confidentially.

Employees can video call any coach, on any topic, as many times as they want.

Employees have access to unlimited in-app coaching content to help guide and support their personal and professional journeys.

Led by a live TaskHuman coach, group coaching sessions are a great way for global employees to stay connected, supported, and engaged on different topics of interest.


Informes y recursos personalizados

Gain New Insights

Employee utilization and feedback is important for any successful benefit. Our team works hand in hand with you to provide clear and custom metrics on usage and educational resources to provide guidance and transparency.


High Engagement Platform

A Benefit That Finally Delivers

With a bevy of specialists, in app content and group sessions at your organization’s fingertips, it’s no wonder why companies and employees fall in love with TaskHuman.

Employees benefit from personalized guidance via 1:1 video calls, in app coaching content and group coaching sessions. 

The numbers say it all. Personalized guidance that caters to each employee’s unique needs creates top-notch experiences for your employees.

Group sessions intertwine company interests and internal needs while building up morale and improving employee satisfaction.

Person looking at a coach's profile on the TaskHuman app

Employees’ Lives Amplified

Hora del descanso. Foto de un joven negro elegante con traje y gafas sosteniendo y mirando el teléfono mientras está sentado en el sofá.

Únase a nuestra comunidad mundial de clientes

Es hora de replantearse las prestaciones

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