30 de marzo de 2023 Lectura de 11 minutos
Cinco trucos mentales para construir una mejor versión de ti mismo

Ready to make a change but not sure where to start? Whether it’s losing weight, completing a triathlon or kicking a bad habit, true transformation requires not only a physical commitment but mental resolve. Willpower can sometimes feel like an overwhelming obsession, but what if you could accomplish your goals by thinking less?
A mindset reset can help establish lifestyle habits – patterns that become so deeply ingrained through repetition, that they eventually become second nature. In this episode of TaskHuman Talks, Fitness and Lifestyle Coach Lionel King shares simple mindset shifts that can build big results. And he speaks from experience, with a big change in mentality of his own.
After sustaining a back injury from a car accident, Coach Lionel was looking for natural ways to heal his body. With so many options for care – and even more opinions! – out there, he embarked on a learning journey to choose a road to recovery. Ultimately, for Lionel, it was veganism.
But it wasn’t an easy path. With a long-term goal of supporting his healing from the inside, he mentally committed to making slow and steady progress towards a fully plant-based diet. Now, he’s paying it forward.
Whether you’re working with Coach Lionel to slim down, bulk up, or go plant-based, he’ll help you apply his tried-and-true mindset hacks to form habits – and ultimately, build a happier and healthier version of yourself. Here’s how:
Get emotional.
To achieve a goal, you need to connect with your reason why. That reason should be tied to an emotion. When things get tough, it’s this intention attached to an emotion that will keep you going.
Let go of your assumptions.
Shed your preconceived notions that fancy equipment is best. Coach Lionel specializes in creating attainable home workouts featuring household items (think pillows and soup cans), or even simply your body weight. If you’re trying to lose weight, expect HIIT workouts aimed at building muscle, as higher muscle tone burns calories quicker.
No days off.
This mantra doesn’t mean ‘no rest days’. Coach Lionel’s definition of ‘no days off’ means your commitment is a lifestyle, so it’s always in your mind. Your rest days should be filled with intentional actions that set you up for your next workout. Focus on other aspects of your holistic well-being – like stretching, catching up on sleep, hydrating, and meal-prepping. Remember, you’re refueling your body to perform better next time.
Get 1% better every day.
A big lifestyle change takes time, so starting small is okay. No matter how slow and steady you take it, progress is progress. For example, when Coach Lionel decided to go vegan, he replaced just one meal a week with plant-based alternatives. Once he accomplished that, he moved to two, then three meals a week – allowing his body to gradually adjust to the change until it became a habit.
Replace, don’t restrict.
If you’re planning to make a big change to your diet, it’s all about finding alternatives that will work for you. Going vegan? Don’t cut out foods until you identify something to fill the gap nutritionally. Coach Lionel, first transitioned to a pescatarian diet, replacing animal proteins (like chicken or beef) with fish, before eventually turning to plant-based alternatives. He suggests finding recipes with healthy ingredients you can get excited about – and look forward to eating.
For even more tips, recipe ideas, and the inside scoop on Coach Lionel’s progress, check out the full TaskHuman Talks episode below!
And when you’re ready to press reset on your mindset, Coach Lionel can help get into your head. Book a call with him and start laying the foundation for your best self ever.
Related: 5 trucos para sentirse mejor en el nuevo año