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TaskHuman Programs

Skills To Support Engagement & Employee Needs

TaskHuman Programs help your team develop important skills and drive behavior change to reach their highest potential and meet your organization’s objectives.


Thoughtfully Crafted For Whole-Person Development

Programs are skill packages aligned with your team’s strategic objectives, embedded within TaskHuman’s key offerings like Well-Being Coaching, Leadership Development, and Sales Performance.

Improving retention


Increasing culture & engagement


Reducing burnout and stress


Improving individual productivity and job performance


Maximizing spend

Unlock Creative Ways to Engage

Programs are threefold. They consist of 1:1 coaching sessions, content coaching, and group coaching.

1:1 Coaching Sessions

Personal sessions with a TaskHuman coach targeted to specific skills and behaviors that relate to the Program.

Content Coaching

Aligned to the program’s coaching topics, each Program contains a selection of content coaching to support users throughout their journey.

Group Coaching Sessions or Peer Exchanges

Sessions with peers on topics aligned to the program objectives and facilitated by a TaskHuman coach, driving
organization-level behavior change.

Cómo funciona

Programs are embedded and come included with Well-Being Coaching, Leadership Development, and Sales Performance.

Programs offer personalized 1:1 coaching sessions, group coaching sessions, facilitated group peer-to-peer exchange sessions (as requested), and coach authored content that participants can start and finish at any time, at their own pace. Empower your employees to drive impactful change and receive vital support when they need it most.

Unlock the full potential of featured skills and behaviors with our proven approach:



Deliver Results With True Impact

TaskHuman provides you with the insights you need to make informed decisions, backed by a data-driven approach that truly captures the essence of well-being. Each Program comes with Participation, Engagement, & Completion reporting and includes an Impact & Value assessment for each program from the TareaInstituto de Eficacia Humana.


Through these multifaceted reporting and assessment mechanisms, TaskHuman ensures that its programs not only deliver knowledge but also foster meaningful growth and transformation, ultimately empowering individuals to thrive in their personal and professional endeavors.

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Alcance los objetivos de su empresa

Discover how TaskHuman can become an indispensable ally for your team, championing their journey towards excellence.

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