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5 trucos para sentirse mejor en el nuevo año

5 trucos de reinicio para el nuevo año

New beginnings provide opportunities for a restart. Making resolutions seems to be all the rage when a new year hits. But it doesn’t work for all of us. A quick Google search will tell you (via Psychology Today) that 80% of New Year’s Resolutions fail by February. Read that again. That’s 80% before the first quarter of the new year is even over! Well, not this year! Our coaches are making sure that doesn’t happen by focusing on healthy, and subtle, ways to kick your year off right! Check out what some of our top coaches had to say about alternative approaches to giving ourselves a fresh start in the new year. 


Tip 1: Change your perspective by changing your environment 🏞️

When you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need to start fresh, consider a new perspective. Whether you take a walk in your neighborhood, get out in nature or even travel to a far off location, changing your environment can work wonders. Take a look at how coach Natalie Buchi makes sure to embrace her inner and outer environments, especially when she travels.



Tip 2: Take a screen break ⌛

Take a 2-3 hour screen break. Whether we like it or not, most of us are on one screen or another most of the day. It could be a phone, computer or even a tablet we’re looking at. What if you skipped all screens for a few hours one day? How different would life be? How would your social experiences change? Extra credit: How many of you might last for a full 24 hours without screens? (Try it and let us know how it goes! Coach Haley Smith gives her personal restart techniques in this short clip.



Tip 3: Investigate your routines 🔍

Sometimes it seems like the clocks start speeding up as soon as we finally get in our groove. One very important way to get a really clean start is to look at what you do daily. What are your current routines? And are they working towards your goals? Or against them? We all have our routines, but are they all actually serving us well? Now’s a great time to really look at them and make changes accordingly. Here’s what coach Marnee Horesh thinks about routines.


Related: 5 Simple Ways To Add Workday Activity Through Movement

Tip 4: Make a vision board 🖼️

What if you could actually see your future? And, even have a hand in it? Create a vision board for what the year will look like. Grab some old magazines, glue and poster board and truly plan out your year. What’s most important? What are the colors you want to surround yourself with? What will you do for fun? Where will you go? Who will you spend time with? What will you pay attention to? Coach Jean Sheridan, a self-proclaimed creative, thrives on this tip. 



Tip 5: Let the magic happen 🪄

Leave room for some magic. Take a break from plotting and planning and just be. Start fresh each day and see how your week goes. Coach Laurie Angress knows a thing or two about this technique.



You just discovered the powerful secret of hitting the reset button for the new year. However, a word of warning – just knowing how to set yourself up for success in the new year isn’t quite enough. It won’t necessarily get you through February like the 20% who can keep New Year’s resolutions. That’s because the key is taking action on what you just learned.


Well-Being Categories To Explore:

Physical Fitness 🏃‍♂️

Healthy Healthy & Food Choices 🥗

Personal Growth & Development 🦋 

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