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abril 28, 2023 Lectura en 3 minutos

Welcome To The Leadership Exploration And Development Journey


Thank you for joining our leadership journey. We’re excited to have you as a participant!

Journey Overview

Effective leadership requires a broad range of skills and capabilities, from emotional intelligence and transparency to continuous learning and accountability. At times, it can be a difficult balance to strike. However, with the right support, leaders can build the skills and mindset they need to motivate their teams and drive success for their organization. 

Through the TaskHuman leadership development experience, you have access to expert coaches who can help you build the skills you need to excel. You have the opportunity to provide feedback that motivates and inspires your team, lead with transparency, drive accountability, and create a culture of continuous learning that enables Flexential to stay competitive in a rapidly changing world. 


Your Next Steps

The first step in your journey is to define your goal. Whatever your reason for participating in this program, now’s the time to get clear about what you want to get out of it.  

Based on your self-assessment of your baseline capability, what’s the one thing you’d like to accomplish on your journey? 

My Goal Relates To:

  • Flexential’s strategy & direction
  • My leadership mindset and purpose
  • Cultivating trust to inspire others 
  • Driving results through a coaching mindset
  • Optimizing talent through effective feedback
  • Fostering a growth mindset on my team 

Once you’ve set your goal, the first step is to discuss it in further detail in a 1:1 goal-setting session. Your TaskHuman coach will help you clarify your goal, create a plan of action, and keep you accountable and motivated throughout your journey. Use your self-assessment on strengths and opportunities for development to frame up this goal setting conversation. 

Within each module, you have access to in-app content that offers insight into key behaviors, group coaching sessions to discuss these key themes with your peers, and unlimited access to 1:1 coaching sessions to help you take action on those insights. 

The core of the experience is meeting with your coach to help you develop strategies to support your specific goals and provide guidance and accountability throughout the journey and beyond.  


¿Listo para empezar?

Are you ready to clarify and personalize your goal? You have access to a wide network of qualified coaches on the TaskHuman platform that can help. Click the link below to  book your first session today. 


Get Started Here →

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