27 de febrero de 2022 Lectura en 6 minutos
¿Listo para crear buenos hábitos? Acepte el poder del cambio y empiece hoy mismo.

Ready to up-level your daily life and take on positive habits? Great! Today is the perfect day to start. You don’t have to wait for a special day. Starting where you are to make positive changes in your life gives you momentum toward your goal. TaskHuman Coaches encourage you to use every day as an opportunity to create habits you want to keep. Here are three reasons they think you should embrace the power of change and start today:
1. Every Day Is New
When you wait for a particular day of significance to make changes, you are using “black and white thinking” according to Coach Amy Rockett. Instead, she encourages you to think about each day as it’s own fresh start. She outlines her ideas fully in this video:
The thinking stems from the idea you don’t have to make huge changes to make an impact on your life. Instead, the small changes you manage will add up over time to real, powerful change. By seeing each day as a new beginning, you give yourself the patience to inch forward toward your goal and the ability to make micro-adjustments where you need.
2. Dive In Today
If we’re being honest, some of the appeal of waiting for a particular day to implement changes is that it gives us the ability to put off those things for a little longer. Change is uncomfortable, even if it’s positive, so it makes sense our instinct is to delay in starting. Coach Stefan Ivanovich thinks you should just start now. Whenever you realize you need the change, start. Hear his explanation below:
Since the change is going to cause a disruption to your current practices, starting immediately builds on the strong thought you had about it. It uses that power of change, that momentum, to get you started. You earn immediate success in working toward your goal.
Lectura relacionada: Cómo una mentalidad motivadora puede transformar tus hábitos
3. Use Reflection As a Tool
A clear benefit of having days of significance is that they stand out, so even if you’re not using them as the starting point of changing your habits, they can still help you. Coach Julia Pontones encourages you to consider using those special days as times when you reevaluate your goals and your progress toward them. You can hear her reasoning here:
Setting aside time on your birthday to reflect on your progress brings an element of self-care to the day while still recognizing it is what you do on ordinary days that pushes you toward your goal.
Are you interested in furthering the conversation with any of these coaches? Reach out to them on the TaskHuman app to schedule a 1:1 session today. They can help give you the inspiration you need to embrace change and develop positive habits today!