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junio 12, 2020

What to Expect on Your First TaskHuman Call

First TaskHuman Call

Do you ever feel nervous about getting on a video call with someone? Where should I look? What should I do with my hands? What should my background be?

Well, it turns out that you’re in good company. “Zoom Anxiety” is real, and something that people can relate to now more than ever. 

So, when the idea of discussing your personal wellness goals with a virtual coach over video call is presented to you, it might seem all the more daunting at first. But it doesn’t have to be! In fact, it can feel quite the opposite, and like you’ve known each other for years. 

TaskHuman Calls are Different

TaskHuman coaches are here to make new clients feel comfortable right from the start—and that’s all thanks to the personal connection that can only be experienced through a live video call. 

Our diverse network of coaches works to ease new clients’ minds by supporting them through discussion points that help gently guide them into talking about their goals and concerns. So they never have to feel like they’re being put on the spot or stumped on what to say—the coaches do the hard part for them.

Plus, there’s nothing the client has to do to prepare for the call ahead of time! The first call will just be a friendly, open conversation about the clients’ interests, goals, and past experience with their chosen topic—all led by the coach.

To ease your nerves, some of our top coaches explain what you can expect on your first live video call with them. And show you just how easy, and fun, it can be. 

Typically, TaskHuman coaches lean into four areas on their first video call with a new client:

1. Style Description

TaskHuman coaches want you to feel confident in your investment. That’s why they will share their style and specialties right off the bat, so you know you’re working with someone who will help you achieve your goals. 

This is important because, if you are working hard to communicate, then the focus is not on the goal, and progress can be stifled.

Escuchar como entrenador Lionel King explica:

Understanding a coach’s style builds rapport. That rapport allows more progress to happen. You have greater gains in less time.

Understanding and appreciating the coach’s style creates the foundation of a trusting and lasting relationship.

But it doesn’t stop there.

TaskHuman coaches also know how to listen deeply.

2. Active Listening

TaskHuman coaches listen – really listen – to hear and understand where clients are and what they want. They see your individuality and work with it, instead of trying to force you into a system or prescribed plan.

That listening takes time, and the coaches give it. They help clients get to the core – the very essence – of motivation.

Escuchar como entrenador Ahmad Grigsby explica:

By finding your “por qué,” coaches understand more of who you are as a person. That information helps them know how and when to push you more to reach those goals.

Entrenador Gina Merlini outlines this idea:

Active listening is critical for TaskHuman coaches to build the pathways toward what clients want to accomplish. Once they understand your thoughts and motivations, they can help clearly define goals.

3. Define Your Goals

Having defined, specific goals is arguably one of the most important parts of being able to reach them.

When you have a concrete idea of what you want, your brain starts to actively work towards ways to make it true.

A good coach can help make your goals clear.

Listen as TaskHuman coach Rodolfo Young explains how he helps clients define their goals:

A clear goal is the first step. It allows you to see where you’re trying to go.

Knowing where on the path they are is next.

Without an understanding of the starting point, the road isn’t clear.

Entrenador Julia Pontones explica:

Having the starting and end points of the journey is essential. But to make the work more productive, it helps to also have a clear map from one point to the other.

4. Next Steps

TaskHuman coaches use the first video call to also build a basic outline of what the “next steps” are for helping clients reach their goals.

When the goal seems far away, creating a plan can give a sense of ability. It makes the goal feel closer, real, attainable.

Entrenador Jennifer Olive explica:

In providing a plan, the coaches show that even small progress is progress.

Escuchar como entrenador Kelly Hawk explica:

Any coach can create a plan. The experienced, specialized coaches at TaskHuman deliver value because of their exemplary ability to listen to people, define goals, uncover motivations, and support progress through detailed planning—all through powerful 1:1 live video calls.

Their superior skill set helps clients see more productivity toward their goals, making the investment with them a hands-down win for living a healthy and happy life.

If you’re ready to crush your goals, schedule a 1:1 EN VIVO call with a TaskHuman coach today. 


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