4 de abril de 2022 Lectura en 6 minutos
No se trata de dinero, según los entrenadores de TaskHuman

Have you noticed how our society has developed a lot of money taboos? In fact, many places consider it impolite to talk about it, or dislike learning about it. Keeping our concerns and conversations about money locked up isn’t helping, either. Rather, it’s preventing us from fully understanding our finances and knowing how to make our money work for us. Money is an important part of our overall well-being, and knowing we have enough of it to live comfortably can help eliminate some stress and worry.
TaskHuman Financial Coaches love helping people with their economic wellness. They find inspiration and motivation from consumers. Sure, they love discussing budgets, investments, and retirement plans, but that’s not the root of their passion. Here are a few reasons for why they really love helping you improve your fiscal well-being:
Seeing Your Confidence Grow
Lots of times, financial plans are cloaked in mystery. Our schools don’t teach the terms and strategies, so we may feel like we have to figure it out on our own. Coach Suzanne Marsh wants to de-mystify your finances. Here’s why helping you regain your monetary power motivates her:
As you improve your financial literacy and develop your fiscal wellness, you will be able to participate more fully in your economic decisions. Understanding how your money can work for you will let you more easily make budget decisions that support your goals.
Seeing You Reach Your Goals
Entrenador David Taylor III loves seeing the people he coaches reach their goals. He enjoys watching them realize how their proactive decisions and steady progress got them where they want to be. It’s not his ego, but their joy that motivates him. He explains how he feels inspired when he sees his teaching get passed along:
Teaching finances and being able to help you reach your goals motivates many financial wellness coaches. For Coach Arushi Srivastav realizing how much her knowledge and expertise can help others is why she chose her career as a coach.
Loving the Ability to Teach
Sharing information and knowledge comes naturally to Arushi. For as long as she can remember, she’s loved sharing her learning. As she began her own journey to learn about personal finance, she realized it is an area where many people are “in the dark.”
Soon, it became clear that she wanted to bring light to the topic. She wanted to be able to take a topic people find unapproachable and difficult, and distill it into something more digestible—to be understood by many. Part of her desire to help is because of her spirituality, which she explains here:
It’s not just the teaching that drives TaskHuman Financial Coaches, it’s being able to help people in such a fundamental way to secure their future.
Loving the Ability to Help
Entrenador Jeffrey Knight almost stumbled upon his career as a coach. His innate knack for understanding how finances work and how to maximize earnings made him the natural choice when his friends and family had questions about how to best manage their own money.
Of course, he helped them willingly. And after a few instances, he realized he could help more than just his family. He could make a bigger impact by helping others professionally. He describes his transition into an economics and investment coach here:
These coaches may have come to their professions on different paths, but they all have one common goal: to help you make the most out of your finances, so you can reach whatever monetary plan(s) you have.
If you have questions about your finances, or want to know more about how TaskHuman Financial Wellness Coaches can help you design the future of your dreams, reach out for a 1:1 session today.