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febrero 7, 2022 Lectura en 5 minutos

Three Reasons to Share Your Growth With Others

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Three Reasons to Share Your Growth With Others

The risk of failure may keep us from sharing big goals with others. How? If we don’t voice our intention to change something about our lives out loud, then we can’t be held accountable when we don’t reach that goal. We might also be afraid the people in our lives won’t support our growth and goals. But are there benefits from sharing your growth with others? For TaskHuman coaches, the answer is “Yes!” Here are 3 reasons to share your growth with others, according to our coaches.

1. Establishing Support

When you begin new habits and start to become a new version of yourself, it is common to face setbacks. By telling people close to you that you are evolving and pursuing new thoughts, habits, and a personality, you give them the opportunity to show you support and love. You’re doing something new and exciting, and you’re including them in your journey. This trust can help strengthen your relationship, according to Coach Julia Pontones. Listen to her explain:

2. Inspiring Others

Telling the people in your life that you are focusing on improving yourself can help them, too. When they see you developing new habits and changing into a better version of yourself, then they may realize the opportunity is available for them as well. This idea, also referred to as personal growth, simply means you are transforming into who you want to be. Coach Natasha Enfermera believes this interconnected growth begins with communication. She explains her ideas here:

3. Setting Boundaries

It would be wonderful if everyone in your life supported your growth and new sense of identity, or if they were able to grow with you. But that doesn’t always happen, so it’s important to check-in with yourself as you evolve and to assess your relationships to see if they are still serving you. In setting new boundaries, you may lose relationships. According to Coach Amy Glogg, letting go of relationships is part of any life journey. Listen as she explains:

Maybe you’re ready to begin new habits and jump-start personal growth. Or maybe you want new strategies to stay on track. TaskHuman coaches are here to help you maintain new habits, overcome obstacles, and reach your goals. Download the app, and schedule a session today to amplify your well-being!


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