mayo 18, 2020
How TaskHuman Helped Busy Student Prioritize Productivity and Anxiety Management

As a busy student, Jennifer struggled to stay organized and keep up with her hectic schedule, which was ultimately interfering with her productivity and increasing her anxiety. She knew she needed professional help to get to the root of these challenges. After some exploration of different wellness solutions, Jennifer landed on the TaskHuman app, which seemed especially appealing due to the 1:1 live human support offered.
After Jennifer downloaded TaskHuman, she started scouting out coaches’ profiles that fit her wellness goals, interests, and needs best. During this exploration, she identified the providers that caught her eye most and decided which coaches she was interested in making calls with.
Although Jennifer considers herself a shy and reserved person, she put on her brave face and made her first live video call with TaskHuman coach, Aisha Perez—who specializes in several self-care areas, like anxiety management and time management.
The call changed her life.
“The first coach I talked to, I completely cried and felt emotionally connected to her, and I felt like she was really listening.”
By framing Jennifer’s lifestyle choices in a different way, Aisha was able to shift Jennifer’s perspective on her productivity and give her the insight she needed to change her habits, and therefore, her outcomes—in just their first call.
“Wow. This is a great way to look at my situation,” Jennifer says.
Dream-team of wellness coaches
After Jennifer’s successful call with Coach Aisha, she was off to the races to find other coaches to add to her network of TaskHuman providers. From there, she made additional calls with coaches who seemed skilled in her areas of focus and quickly landed on some winners—such as Laurie Angress for yoga and breathing exercises, Rachel Goebeler for organization and schedule management, and Clarissa Pyles for Pilates and body conditioning.
In no time, Jennifer had her go-to team of “genuine” and “sincere” wellness professionals that she could rely on at any time—right from her mobile device.
With a simple purchase of affordable minutes on TaskHuman, Jennifer was able to continue her conversations with ALL of her preferred coaches—all at the time that was most convenient for her. She could instantly see when her coaches were online for sessions, make appointments with them if she wanted to schedule something in advance, and have follow-up conversations with them via the in-app chat feature. Not to mention, Jennifer knew her coaches would always take a proactive approach to working with her—initiating in-app chats to check in and see when she was ready for her next session.
“I’ve connected so well with them. I felt like talking to them was just really genuine and sincere, and they do care about what you’re going through and how they can help any way they can.”
Lectura relacionada: Cómo lograr una productividad indolora: 3 estrategias sencillas
Crushing her Goals
Jennifer has accomplished several wellness goals during her time working with her TaskHuman coaches, but one stands out in particular…passing a critical test required for her professional field. In the past, she had tried multiple times to pass her exam but hadn’t been successful yet. But, thanks to her conversation with Coach Aisha about time management, as well as her work with Coach Rachel on organization and study management, she was able to change her outcome.
“I had a few tries where I didn’t pass. It was almost demotivating for me to even want to take the test. And after talking to a coach on TaskHuman, I was just kinda like “Wow, that is a great way to look at it…I approached it that way, and I was able to pass my test!”
Jennifer credits her achievement to her coaches’ ability to really listen and give strong, actionable advice.
The 1:1 live human guidance is what makes the TaskHuman app such a powerful tool. The coaches work hard to build meaningful connections with their clients in a way that best supports the personal goals they want to accomplish.
With hundreds of providers specializing in nearly a thousand wellness topics, there truly is a coach fit for every person and every challenge.
“They do care… These providers are great. They are people you can easily talk to, and they don’t make you feel uncomfortable. I mean coming from someone who is super shy and super quiet, I was able to open up to at least four of my providers and let them know who I am and have them help me out.”
To watch Jennifer’s full story, click aquí.
If you’re ready to get 1:1 live support to focus on your gestión del tiempo, anxiety management, y other personal wellness goals, connect with a TaskHuman coach today.