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mayo 15, 2023 Lectura en 4 minutos

Coaching Methodology

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coaching mindset

Everyone wants to claim that they have discovered the secret to something. Whether it’s losing weight or making more money, someone is touting that they have invented the process that will make the impossible possible. But, when you dig into it, the methods they share are often the same core things we have always known, perhaps with new terms applied. 

Professional skills coaching is no different. There are dozens of methodologies out there that are all saying essentially the same things when you back up from them. So, while we don’t claim to have invented anything new – our coaching methodology is simple, and it walks you through how to have an effective coaching conversation – anytime, anywhere.  


The TaskHuman Coaching Methodology is based on a few core principles: 



Napoleon Hill shared, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” People seek coaching because they want to achieve something that they feel they cannot do alone. However, often they struggle to express what they want to accomplish, are stuck in determining how to best move forward, or completely “Lost or Limited” in their thinking. Our coaching approach is to help clients find clarity, gain new perspectives, and identify their goals. Coach Jonathon Ybañez achieves this by being a “thought partner” with his clients, offering different perspectives and ways of looking at things which allows his clients to gain new insights and approach their reality from a different lens.


Focus On Strengths & Identify Growth Opportunities 

The best coaches are thinking partners and help their clients identify behaviors that have been successful in the past and find ways to replicate them more often or in different contexts. This collaborative creative thinking process also leads to identifying growth opportunities.



Coaches focus on influencing, inspiring, and empowering the mindset of their clients, but ultimately, most goals are defined by what people do. We help clients identify actions to take and behaviors to adopt in specific situations to help them achieve their goals.


A Cycle, Not A Linear Process 

Coaches help clients identify the actions they need and want to take and then work with them afterward – either celebrating their success or helping them plan a course correction if they did not get the outcome they hoped for. The key to quality coaching is accountability.


Flywheel Effect 

Taking action and realizing success creates a positive psychological momentum, a perceptual phenomenon that changes human behavior and performance. Sequential runs of success lead to increased confidence and create a renewable energy, like a flywheel, that will carry people forward to greater success with less effort.


Ask The Right Questions:

  • What is your goal? A great coach helps people clarify their goal in concrete terms. This involves finding out what motivates them, where they find authentic satisfaction and pride in their work and helping them identify new insights that can direct their passion.

  • What are your Strengths and Growth Opportunities? Help clients imagine how they will pursue their goal and to become creative thinkers by asking questions about situations in which they have experienced success and challenges in the past. This expanded thinking fuels their motivations toward newfound growth opportunities. These stories help people recognize their own unique strengths as well as developmental areas that they can use to move forward towards the achievement of their goals.

  • What is the Path Forward? Ask penetrating questions to help clients spell out the first few steps on their path towards their goal. This increases their confidence to start their journey, by challenging them to be specific about when, where and how they will take action.

  • How will you take action? Set follow-up meetings to provide accountability for clients to take the action they defined. Every step may not be successful, so in the discussion, ask questions that are supportive and keep people focused and motivated about their desired outcome. As Coach Jonathon works with his clients, he reminds them that life happens, sometimes you miss the mark and it is easy to get discouraged. He works with them to explore what worked, what didn’t and the distractions they faced. This helps his clients understand their challenges so they can refocus and remain motivated on their vision of the future.  

We encourage you to use these “secrets” to find your path towards being a better leader and coach for your team. The best way to learn is to be coached yourself. 

Póngase en contacto con Coach Jonathon Ybañez  or another TaskHuman Coach today and take your first step. Enjoy the adventure!

Book Coach Jonathan →

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