October 2, 2024 3 Min Read
TaskHuman Talks: Optimize Digestion & Gut Health

“The body is always giving us feedback.”
Digestion issues can range from constipation, bloating, and gas, to problems that can progress and impact nutrient absorption or trouble digesting food. In this TaskHuman Talks Podcast episode, coaches Jamie Carroll and Maya Carl discuss the importance of eating for your specific body and its unique needs.
A Whole-Body Approach To Health
It’s incredible how things that are going on internally can also present in physical symptoms. For example, did you know that your gut health can impact the way your skin looks and feels? While poor gut health presents in a number of ways and is completely unique to each person, there are a few key lifestyle choices that can help the body function better. According to Coach Maya, sufficient water consumption, sleep, and consuming dark leafy greens and fibrous foods are all important ways to correct your gut health.
Learning To Listen To Your Body
Coach Maya experienced horrible digestive issues for several years. When she reached out for help, she received a restrictive list of foods and rules around food that didn’t align with other things going on with her physical and mental health. As a Coach, Maya’s school of thought focuses on intuitive eating while addressing diet and digestion issues in tandem with stress or environmental factors.
Addressing Common Myths
Is intermittent fasting good for digestion? What about eating 5-7 small meals a day? Who are these approaches good for, anyway? Debunk myths with Coach Maya and gain techniques for allowing your body to reset and process food in the right ways.
Lifestyle Changes That Support Gut Health & Digestion
Coach Maya’s key tips for improving digestion and gut health include:
- Get your gut health tested (especially if your symptoms are impacting your daily life)
- Stay hydrated
- Sleep at consistent times
- Manage stress (to maintain a positive “brain-gut connection”)
- Practice mindful breathing
- Keep your body moving
- Eat seasonally and locally as much as possible
- Make a physical note/note in your phone when you experience physical symptoms to keep track of food impacting you
Learn about why these changes can be so important and how to implement them in your routine below.
Curious to learn more? Connect directly with Coach Maya to find an intuitive and balanced approach to eating for optimal digestion and gut health.
Engage with the full podcast recording below: