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January 28, 2025 4 Min Read

Navigating Change With Intention: Expert Tips For Personal & Professional Growth

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“It’s really about a holistic approach to your growth and development.”


In this TaskHuman Talks Podcast feature, TaskHuman Coach Jamie Carroll speaks with fellow coaches Alexandra Popkova and Gina Torres-Perryman. Alexandra is a leadership coach who helps people manage uncertainty and complexity in life and business. Gina is a life design coach who helps people navigating career or life transitions discover what they’re excited about. Their key takeaways? Set your intentions for how you want to show up and let your self-awareness guide the way.

Watch the videos below with these amazing coaches for top tips to stay true to yourself and embrace change in your professional development and community-building coaching journey this year!


The Connection Between Professional & Personal Growth

Coach Alexandra finds little separation between personal and professional when identifying skills to improve upon. “Ultimately, it’s your goals, it’s all about your growth and your development,” she says. For example, focusing on a professional aspect of your life – like being a better people manager — can be supported by reflecting on how you want to show up as a partner, friend, parent, etc. 


For Coach Gina, identifying your values is fundamental for creating alignment in all aspects of your life. What are your non-negotiables? Do your values differ between your work and home life? Revisit your values regularly by working directly with a coach who can offer a wider perspective on your goals.


Staying On Course With Your Goals

Consider where you want to direct your energy in your personal and professional growth journey. What are your “nice-to-haves” versus your concrete priorities? Coach Alexandra shares that because “change requires energy,” it’s critical to understand what focus, time, and attention a specific goal or change will demand of you.


You’ve likely heard the quote “The only constant in life is change.” Yet sometimes this change creates pressure on us to feel like we need to do and achieve more. To quiet this noise, Coach Gina recommends pausing and giving yourself the space to figure it out. Be curious and give yourself permission to ask, “Is this pressure from the outside? Is this really what I want?” 


Leaning Into Networks & Community

With a rise in remote work, many of us have to put more effort into building community and a sense of connection at work. Networking can be an amazing skill to curate, whether you’re seeking general guidance or wanting to move into a new role. As for leaders, Coach Alexandra encourages reaching out for support from mentors and peers too. “That doesn’t mean you’re weak. Many of us can share this belief that I’m in that (leadership) position, it means that I need to know everything.” If anything, showing humility and a desire for growth is a sign of strength.


While networking can be intimidating, Coach Gina encourages thinking of it simply as relationship-building. Networking goes beyond professional contexts — for example, getting curious about new people at a gathering at a friend’s is fundamentally about connection. Lean into environments that thrive on communication like LinkedIn or in-person networking events offering built-in activities or prompts to get to know others.  Most importantly, be yourself!


Coach Tips For Lasting Behavior Change in 2025

From Coach Alexandra

  1. Lean into self-awareness of your brain and body, as everything else is built upon this.

  2. Prioritize intention setting — is the way you show up and communicate with others (and yourself) aligned with your focus and intention?

  3. Create a “third space” to transition from home to work, and work to home each day. This is even more important if working from home where a commute or movement to a different environment doesn’t occur naturally. Learn more below!


From Coach Gina 

  1. Determine what your non-negotiables are going into 2025. What are you saying yes to and no to? 

  2. Align your goals with your values. Connect your non-negotiables to your values to help guide your decisions.

  3. Be curious about where your life could go this year. Give yourself permission to explore and have self-compassion along the way!



To get support with identifying leadership skills to focus on this year, conflict resolution, and building self-awareness, engage with Coach Alexandra’s full podcast recording and book a session with Alexandra today!


To learn more about navigating uncertainty, networking, and identifying skills for career growth, engage with Coach Gina’s full podcast recording below and book a session with Gina today!



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