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March 8, 2024 5 Min Read

From Bump to Baby: Navigating the Ups and Downs of Pregnancy

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from bump to baby

The pregnancy journey is full of ups and downs, from the electrifying kick of your little one making their presence known to the nitty-gritty of navigating morning sickness and the emotional rollercoaster.

But don’t worry. While this can all feel scary and stressful, we’re here to give you insight to help you feel cooler, calmer, more collected, and in control.

Coach Gordana Petrovic recommends three things you can do to maintain a healthy pregnancy. First, create a solid birth team. Start with a doctor, midwife, and doula to support you through your pregnancy and beyond. Taking care of your health is also critical. Make sure you stay hydrated, eat healthy foods, and move your body. And finally, educate yourself about the changes that will occur both physically and mentally during your pregnancy. Knowledge is power, after all. 

Now that you know the basics, let’s dive into some of the top tips and insights you need to know for each semester of your pregnancy 


Understanding Pregnancy: The Ups and Downs

Pregnancy is often depicted as walking on clouds. Truth be told, it’s a mix of both floating and stumbling. Let’s break down the trimesters and their highs and lows for a better understanding.


Your First Trimester: What to Expect and Survival Tips

The first trimester is the most difficult for many soon-to-be moms because so many changes are happening. Here are a few you might be able to relate to:

  1. Emotional Swings: Hormonal changes might make you more emotional than usual.

  2. Tiredness: You might feel more tired than usual. This is your body’s way of saying it’s busy with a super important job – creating a new life!

  3. Morning sickness: Oh, the (not so) beloved morning sickness can pop up at any time of the day.

But don’t fret! Here are your survival tools:

  1. Tackling Morning Sickness: Try sipping ginger tea or munching on dry crackers. You’ll be surprised at how these easy tricks can work wonders!

  2. Managing Energy Levels: Listen to your body. If you feel tired, it’s okay! Rest as much as you can. This is not the time to be a superhero.

  3. Nutrition: Eating a well-balanced diet is vital for you and your baby. And remember, you’re not eating for two adults, just 1.1!

Enjoy where you’re going, tune into yourself, your needs, and the needs of your family (everyone is different), and try to get familiar with and understand how you and your body are changing.

You’re doing fantastic, mama-to-be!


Your Second Trimester: Expectations and Expert Tips

Welcome to the second semester! The good news is that some first-trimester symptoms may ease off a bit. Yet, new experiences await:

  1. Baby Bumps and Flutters: Around the 20th week, your bump will become more visible, and you may start feeling baby movements! This makes the whole experience feel more real.

  2. Aching Back: As your baby grows, you might begin to feel some backache. You’ll need to prep and learn how to remedy this and ensure you don’t hurt yourself during the process.

  3. Skin Changes: Hello, pregnancy glow! But you might also notice some stretch marks or skin pigmentation.

Exciting – yes. But you need to be a bit more proactive when looking after yourself and your baby. Here are some nuggets of advice to navigate through:

  1. Managing Discomfort: Stay active with gentle exercises such as prenatal yoga, but remember to rest when needed. Classes, books, blogs, and online videos are your best friends here.

  2. Maintaining Good Mental Health: Spend time doing things you love, meditate, or share your feelings with loved ones. Don’t underestimate the power of a good chat with your partner or a friend!

Remember, pregnancy is not just about growing a baby but also about developing you as a mother. You’re doing beautifully!


Entering the Home Stretch: Third Trimester Expectations and Survival Tips

You’ve braved two trimesters, and now, here we are in the home stretch. This is when the finishing line is in sight, and the anticipation to meet your little one is bubbling over.

In this final stage, your body, a wonderful machine, is ticking off the final checks on its to-do list for welcoming your baby.

Now, let’s gear you up with some tips for this last ‘pregnancy lap’:

  • Hospital Bag: Don’t leave packing for D-day until the last moment. Take time to neatly pack all essentials for you and your baby well in advance.
  • Rest and Sleep: This is the golden period to catch up on rest and sleep. Your body needs and craves it as it gears up for the big event. Remember, super mom, every superhero needs their rest days, too!

The trick to the third trimester is to take things slow and steady. Try to get the basics down, like getting the room ready, getting all the equipment and things you need, and having a birth plan in place.

Things don’t always go as planned, so embrace your experience as your own. This will be the story you tell your kids when you grow up, so make it one you’ll want to share!


Your Personal Welcome Wagon: Preparing for Baby

Laying the groundwork for your little one’s arrival is an adventure. So, here are some essential tips to arm yourself for delivery day:

  • Essential Baby Care Items: This includes everything from diapers and adorable onesies to a baby car seat for that precious ride back home. Having a baby first-aid kit ready is also a great idea—better safe than sorry!

  • Setting Up a Nursery: Creating your baby’s first wonderland can be a treat! While style matters, comfort is crucial. Fill the room with essentials like a crib, changing table, and a rocking chair for those many feeding sessions ahead.

  • The Power of Birthing Classes: Knowledge is power, my friend! Birthing classes can make you confident, alleviate the anxieties of childbirth, and teach you many things about caring for a newborn.



Pregnancy is quite a journey. Just remember, you don’t have to go through it alone. Contact a TaskHuman coach whenever you need guidance, support, or a little TLC. 


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