December 16, 2021 8 Min Read
Aya Miklos’ Near-death Experience Renewed Her Reason for Living

Aya Miklos loved her first career in fashion—until she almost died. It gave her opportunities to rub shoulders with “beautiful people” and live a life that was Instagram perfect. But that life was halted when she developed a lung thrombosis (blood clots in the lungs) that almost took her life. Coach Aya Miklos talks about her out-of-body experience and how she changed her entire life as a result on the podcast TaskHuman Talks.
When Aya was in the hospital with her thrombosis, she remembers being disconnected from her body and seeing it and her doctors from above. She knew she could choose to live or die. In this moment of clarity, Aya realized that she hadn’t accomplished what her soul was designed for. Her work in the fashion industry was glamorous, but it was no longer enough. Aya knew she had a deeper purpose—a bigger reason—for being here. She decided she wanted to live, but she wanted to pursue a completely different life.
It was then that Aya discovered the theory of Human Design. After learning about Human Design, Aya also realized she wanted to help other people learn and benefit from it.
“Basically my goal—the main way I’m helping people—is to get ‘unstuck,” says Aya, “because a lot of people are very stuck.”
Human Design finds your inherent, prewritten potential by combining ideas from:
- Astrology
- The Chakra System
- Quantum Physics
- I Ching
- Kabbalah
These disciplines can reveal elements of how you think and function at your innermost level. It even suggests how you can adjust your eating, decision-making, and life to best suit your true self. The problem for most people, Aya believes, is that we allow society to determine what—and who—we become, so many people do not live up to their full potential. Instead, people feel unsatisfied with their lives and “stuck.” When you follow the teachings of Human Design, you have the tools to stop listening to society and start listening to your true self.
“Basically why I like to use it to start off, even for consultations, because we can see literally everything in it,” she explains.
Following Human Design allows people to more readily open themselves up to their potential. It also helps you see that all of your life experiences, including any difficulties or struggles are there to teach you and ultimately prove your own inner strength and capabilities. As you grow in understanding of yourself, you become more of who you are meant to be.
“If we wouldn’t have the capabilities to deal with those struggles, we would not choose those struggles,” Aya believes.
Part of Human Design places each person on a level of consciousness. The six levels include:
- Victim Consciousness: There is no control over what is happening
- Survivor Consciousness: Understanding that you can “handle it.”
- Awakening Consciousness: Being aware of the potential in life.
- Creator Consciousness: We create our current reality through our thoughts.
- Co-creator Consciousness: We are all creating a reality, and others’ realities can pull us up or down.
- Informed Consciousness: We start to create what we want to see.
While the results you can attain using Human Design principles can be powerful and life-changing, Aya is quick to say she can not “save” anyone. She only wants to inspire people to live full lives.
To hear Aya’s entire story and learn more about how Human Design works, tune into the entire podcast.