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junio 14, 2023 Lectura en 4 minutos

Welcome To The ArsenalBio Leadership Program



Everyone has some aspect of leadership in their job, even if it is just getting a few coworkers to do the right thing. However, the leadership element of a job generally increases quite substantially for managers who have a significant role in owning key metrics, managing teams, and leading key efforts for the company. This program offers the opportunity to explore a few key skills and behaviors for how leaders operate. These behaviors and skills are offered in three categories – leader of self, leader of teams and leader of organization. 



Each category offers an opportunity for you to reflect on your strengths and challenges.  The reflection is both to deeply understand what expectations underlie them and to self-assess your confidence and competence to bring them to life in your day-to-day activities and decisions.

There are 3 key objectives for you to consider: 

  1. Your adoption of these leadership behaviors probably has areas for growth. If you have a growth mindset you will want to access the support and guidance of a coach.
  2. Your leadership style in activating the leadership behaviors impacts your peers and your teams. Decide what kind of impact you want to make in the organization. 
  3. There is a business/organizational benefit to having a common set of expectations on how leaders operate, in the form of better alignment, higher engagement and maintenance of the culture.


La experiencia 

You are about to embark upon a unique experience that offers the personalized support you need to succeed. Here’s how it works: 

Paso 1: Establezca el objetivo de su viaje 

Todo empieza por definir tu objetivo para el viaje. La investigación ha demostrado que la mejor manera de alcanzar tus objetivos es escribirlos, compartirlos e informar regularmente de tus progresos. Desplázate hacia abajo para ver más detalles sobre cómo fijar el objetivo de tu viaje. 

Paso 2: Concertar una llamada para fijar objetivos 

Once you’ve set your goal, you will discuss it in further detail in a 1:1 goal-setting session. Your coach will help you clearly define your goal, create a plan of action, and keep you accountable and motivated throughout your journey. 

Step 3: Explore the Leadership Topics in Depth

Within each module, you will have unlimited access to 1:1 coaching sessions to help you take action on your self-reflection insights. With that foundation, you can connect with your leader to share the actions that you have taken and the results you have seen. You also have the option to have periodic meetings with your peers to share success stories and challenges you have encountered.  

The core of the experience is you consistently meeting with TaskHuman coaches to help you develop strategies to support your specific goals and provide guidance and accountability throughout the journey and beyond.


¿Listo para empezar? 

The first step in your journey is to define your goal. Take a minute to think about this question: What’s the one thing you’d like to accomplish on your journey? Whatever your reason for participating in this program, now’s the time to get clear about what you want to get out of it. Please select one of the following goals. 

My goal is to: 

  • Desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para sobresalir en mi puesto actual. 
  • Desarrollar estrategias que me permitan ser más eficaz, con menos impacto en mi vida personal. 
  • Prepare for more responsibility or job change within my organization. 
  • Grow my ability to develop my team or peers more effectively.
  • Ampliar mi capacidad para crear impacto en mi organización. 


Obtenga la ayuda que merece 

Ready to clarify and personalize your goal? You have access to a wide network of qualified coaches on the TaskHuman platform that can help. Your coach will help you clearly define your goal, create a plan of action, and keep you accountable and motivated throughout your journey. And when it’s all said and done, they will celebrate your successes as if they were their own. Take a minute to book your goal-setting session today. 


Reserva tu sesión de fijación de objetivos →

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