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Welcome To Navigate Your Pregnancy

A woman makes a heart shape over her mid drift

Welcome to the Navigate Your Pregnancy Coaching Program. We’re excited to have you join us!


Visión general 

When you’re pregnant, you have a lot of changes to navigate all at once. This program has been created to provide you with support and knowledge throughout your pregnancy, as your body changes and as you begin to transition into parenthood.

This TaskHuman coaching program blends online resources with personalized 1:1 coaching to help you build skills and develop behaviors to achieve your individual goals.   

Our online content provides quick, useful insight and tips from our coaches on key concepts while providing context for future coaching sessions.  Your 1:1 coaching sessions with TaskHuman coaches will give you support and guidance on how to develop skills and create action plans to accelerate your development. 


Make The Most Of Your Program

The blogs and coaching sessions are designed to work together, so we recommend that you read each blog associated and complete a minimum of two (2) 1:1 coaching sessions for each skill to get the most out of the experience. 

You and your coach will develop action plans that will give you the opportunity to apply what you’re learning in real-world situations, both personally and professionally.  Taking advantage of all of these opportunities will help you make the most of your program. 


Start Your Journey 

This journey is all about you! Here’s how it works: 

Set Goals

Take a few minutes to think about what you want to achieve through this program.  If you need a little help solidifying your goals, book a 1:1 coaching session with a TaskHuman coach. They will help you refine and clarify the goals that will guide you through this coaching journey. 

Explore New Skills

Dig into our online content. The program provides you access to several blogs related to the skills and behaviors you are developing. These articles are a great way to gain foundational knowledge for your areas of interest. It’s helpful to read these blogs before your coaching session to get some context and make the most of the time with your coach. 

Connect With A Coach

Book regular 1:1 coaching sessions with a TaskHuman coach. TaskHuman has many experienced, talented coaches available to you, and you have an unlimited number of coaching sessions during your program. Your coaches will be your guides, companions and champions as you learn new skills and achieve your goals. 



Ready to get started?  Book your 1:1 coaching sessions now to take the first steps to achieving your goals!


Let’s Get Started!

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