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Welcome To Flexential’s Senior Leadership Coaching Program


Thank you for joining our leadership coaching program, designed exclusively for you. We’re excited to have you as a participant!


Program Overview

Your leadership program helps you not only excel in your role but also drive growth and scale the overall direction of the organization. This learning journey aims to enhance  specific skills and competencies to  empower communication and collaboration among Flexential’s senior leaders. Ultimately, these available skills  will enable you to lead your team and the organization to achieving its desired goals. 

Through the TaskHuman Leadership Development coaching experience, you have access to expert coaches who can help you build the skills you need to succeed . You’re able  to prioritize and select those skills and behaviors that are most important to you and continue your growth in a manner consistent with your professional goals.  

This program is  a personalized coaching experience aligned to Flexential’s leadership competencies and designed to amplify the potential of leaders at Flexential.  In this program, you  have  access to 1:1 coaching sessions with TaskHuman Coaches who will provide you with support and guidance in building specific skills and modifying behaviors to accelerate your development.  


How To Get The Most Out Of The Program

First, let’s get clear about what you want to get out of this coaching experience . Follow these steps.  

  1. Review any feedback and insights from the internal 360 survey that you received. 
  2. Set a meeting with your leader to discuss your 360 survey results. Align on key insights and opportunities from those results. The goal of the meeting is to prioritize your focus areas to align with the topics offered in the TaskHuman program. 
  3. Book a call with a TaskHuman coach to clarify your plan of action and keep you accountable and motivated. 

 The 1:1 Coaching Sessions is the most valuable experience throughout this Program. TaskHuman Coaches helps you develop strategies to support your growth, and provide guidance and accountability throughout the program and beyond. Once a strong relationship is established with your Coach,  continue these conversations on a regular basis as a powerful career resource.You’re expected to see progress through all the competencies over the course of the Program.

Periodic group session check-ins are also planned. These are opportunities to share insights, challenges, and successes with your peers in a safe environment.  Prepare to be a full participant in any group session by listening carefully to others, offering constructive feedback, and openly sharing. Valuable insights  are often gained through the exchange of knowledge with colleagues.


Highlighted Coaches For Your Program

While TaskHuman has more than 1,800 qualified Coaches, we have selected a handful of Coaches whose experience and strengths are particularly aligned with Flexential’s program. Feel free to  explore their profiles in the TaskHuman Platform for more information.

Coach Name


Time Zone

Elaine Jacob

Africa/South Africa

GMT +2

Taiwo Olajide


GMT -6

Dustin Bell 


GMT -5

Sidharth Wadhwa


GMT +5:30

Stefanie Pluschkell


GMT -5

Kerry Garner Venter


GMT -5

Rachel Simeone


GMT -5

Ulrika Gustafson


GMT -6

Tali Schwartz

Middle East/Israel

GMT -2

Alexander Jader




¿Listo para empezar?

Are you ready to clarify and personalize your priorities? You have access to a wide network of qualified Coaches on the TaskHuman Platform that can help. Click the link below to  book your first session today. 


Book A Session →

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