20 de agosto de 2024 Lectura en 2 minutos
Charlas TaskHuman: Condición física funcional y priorización de la alegría

Sarah Findle‘s motivation to prioritize fitness stems from an accident as a teenager where she broke her neck and was told she’d need to stay active to maintain healthy joints and bones. That’s why her fitness philosophy is focused on helping people implement habits that are both genuinely enjoyable and a fit within their unique lifestyle. En este episodio de TaskHuman Talks Podcast, los entrenadores Jamie Carroll y Coach Sarah discuss the importance of having a structured yet flexible plan to fall back on, and the many benefits of functional movement.
Benefits Of Functional Fitness
What is functional fitness and what are the benefits? Getting into a car, getting out of the shower, pushing yourself off the floor – these seemingly small functional movements go a long way in maintaining mobility, increasing bone density, and reducing the risk of accidents or disease. Learn more from Coach Sarah including her favorite functional exercises in the clip below.
Maintaining Motivation
Health and fitness is a journey without a one-size-fits-all approach. Consistency, structure, and time are key components to getting started and staying motivated. And equally important: getting enough sleep! Learn more in the clip below.
Debunking Fads And Prioritizing Joy
There are lots of competing messages around health and fitness, and it can be hard to decipher which of the latest food or workout programs are truly healthy or sustainable. Learn how to spot and debunk fitness myths with Jamie and Coach Sarah in the clip below.
Whether you’re looking for inspiration, or exercises that fit within your individual lifestyle, connect 1:1 with Coach Sarah to get started!
Vea la grabación completa del podcast a continuación: