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Alimentación sana y elección de alimentos

28 de julio de 2022

  • Imagen destacada

Fíjese objetivos como un olímpico

Todos somos olímpicos a nuestra manera: ponemos el listón muy alto en nuestras expectativas. Buscamos la medalla de oro. A veces, estamos tan centrados en el siguiente paso que a menudo perdemos de vista... Seguir leyendo

TaskHuman User Journeys
A busy working mom with a holistic approach to her health and wellness.

junio 3, 2020

How TaskHuman Helped Busy Working Mom Have a Holistic Approach to Wellness

When people invest in something, especially related to their health, it can be hard to know if they’re making the “right” choice. Will it be what they want? Will it provide value? Will they even… Seguir leyendo

TareaProveedores humanos
Joli D’ Elia

enero 8, 2020

Crush Your New Year’s Goals with Coach Joli

Joli’s Journey Almost twenty years ago, Joli D’Elia began training people in her private gym. Since then, she’s been able to help people thrive in several areas of life, including pre and post natal wellness,… Seguir leyendo

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