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Bienestar mental
ponte en contacto con tus sentimientos

13 de julio de 2022

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Contacte con sus sentimientos para mejorar su bienestar

¿Te sientes cómodo con tus grandes emociones? Puede resultar difícil asimilar tus propios sentimientos. Sin embargo, comprender tus pensamientos y sentimientos es una forma poderosa de apoyar tu bienestar. La entrenadora de TaskHuman Pam... Seguir leyendo

TareaProveedores humanos

diciembre 16, 2021

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Aya Miklos’ Near-death Experience Renewed Her Reason for Living

Aya Miklos loved her first career in fashion—until she almost died. It gave her opportunities to rub shoulders with “beautiful people” and live a life that was Instagram perfect. But that life was halted when… Seguir leyendo

TareaProveedores humanos
unconscious trauma

octubre 14, 2021

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Carol Piro, a Soul Doula, Can Help You Find Your True Self

In a recent episode of the podcast TaskHuman Talks, host and coach Jamie Carroll sat down with fellow coach Carol Piro to chat about Carol’s soul healing, unconscious trauma and spiritual mentoring. The key takeaways… Seguir leyendo

Bienestar espiritual

septiembre 14, 2021

Saemone Griffin Learns About Herself Through Crystals

In a recent episode of the podcast TaskHuman Talks, host and TaskHuman Coach Jamie Carroll sat down with Coach Saemone Griffin to talk about all things crystals. The talk ranged from how to choose a… Seguir leyendo

Bienestar espiritual

mayo 30, 2021

Bridgette Ochoa Finds Healing Through Ancient Medical System

In a recent episode of the podcast TaskHuman Talks, host and coach Jamie Carroll sat down with fellow coach Bridgette Ochoa for an in depth conversation about Ayurvedic medicine practices as wellness practices. The conversation… Seguir leyendo

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