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junio 23, 2021

Jennifer Evans Believes Enjoyment Is Key to Health

In a recent episode of the podcast TaskHuman Talks, host and coach, Jamie Carroll, sat down with fellow coach, Jennifer Evans, to discuss Jennifer’s key to health and wellness expertise and philosophies. Jennifer is a… Seguir leyendo

TaskHuman User Journeys

mayo 21, 2021

Kelsey Seeks Focus and Rediscovers Passion for Running

TaskHuman user Kelsey realized that she was no longer functioning at her best. Once her company, Intelycare, started offering unlimited access to 1:1 video calls with TaskHuman coaches, she quickly realized how beneficial this new… Seguir leyendo

TaskHuman User Journeys

abril 29, 2020

How TaskHuman Became a Crucial Part of this Busy Executive’s Wellness Routine

Meet Sue, HR leader and avid runner Meet Sue, an accomplished human resources leader, busy mom and wife, and avid long-distance runner. Over the years, she got stuck in a rut with the same routine… Seguir leyendo

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