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Desarrollar hábitos saludables
smoothie rosa con almendras cerezas y col rizada

30 de marzo de 2023

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Cinco trucos mentales para construir una mejor versión de ti mismo

¿Está preparado para cambiar pero no sabe por dónde empezar? Ya se trate de perder peso, completar un triatlón o abandonar un mal hábito, la verdadera transformación no sólo requiere un compromiso físico, sino también determinación mental. La fuerza de voluntad... Seguir leyendo

TareaProveedores humanos
baile bollywood baile bollywood

1 de febrero de 2023

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Sé tú mismo en Bollywood Dancing con la entrenadora Megha Pradhwani

Al crecer, Megha Pradhwani bailaba al ritmo de las coloridas imágenes, las impresionantes coreografías y la tentadora música de Bollywood que parpadeaba en su televisor, lo que despertó su pasión por la danza, que pronto se convertiría en su pasión para toda la vida. Megha Pradhwani, entrenadora de TaskHuman, habló de su viaje... Seguir leyendo

TareaProveedores humanos

noviembre 19, 2021

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Teaching Fitness Classes For 100 People Taught Arnes Kevric How To Be a Better 1:1 Coach

After finishing his fitness coach training, TaskHuman Coach Arnes Kevric’s first long-term job was as a fitness instructor for a cruise line. It was there where he learned what hard work meant and how to… Seguir leyendo

TaskHuman User Journeys

octubre 22, 2021

Angela Hubbard Stunned Her Doctor With TaskHuman’s Help

So often people in “giving” professions put themselves last on the list. They are so busy supporting everyone else in their lives that they don’t have the time or energy to take care of themselves. Seguir leyendo

TareaProveedores humanos

agosto 6, 2020

The Top 5 Wellness Habits Our Coaches Swear By

TaskHuman coaches are pros in their fields. They have years of experience tailoring their coaching approach to the individual needs and goals of their clients in order to get the best results. Although TaskHuman coaches… Seguir leyendo


julio 30, 2020

How to Start (or Enhance) Your Yoga Practice

Yoga has been around for thousands of years, and its benefits are undeniable. As a practitioner, you strengthen your mind and your body, and you develop deep connections to your own spirit. But with all… Seguir leyendo

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