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mayo 20, 2020

How to Improve Your Pandemic Mindset

Positive Mindset

Most of the world has been under “shelter-in-place,” or even more stringent regulations, for months.

And while in many places, the regulations are beginning to loosen, our lives are far from normal—leaving us with shorter tempers, higher stress levels, and fewer social outlets. Add to that the endless news cycles and massive quantities of information about COVID-19 at our fingertips, you can easily enter a state of overwhelm.

Now more than ever, it’s important to focus on a positive mindset, so you can remain mentally-healthy and productive during times of crisis. And TaskHuman coaches are here to support this mental strength-training. 

Our TaskHuman pros share 3 essential steps to improve your mindset and prevent feeling overwhelmed.

1. Monitor News Intake

Perhaps the most important strategy to implement is being aware of how much news you watch and read.

By limiting how much news you take in, you give yourself the time and space needed to understand the information without being overwhelmed by it.

Entrenador Sedae Slaughter explains how limiting media input can help:

If you’re the type of person that needs even more structure, the solution is simple: set a timer to limit your news exposure.

Escuchar como entrenador Lindsay Lapaugh explains how she uses this strategy:

You could be more susceptible to overwhelm at certain times of day. Because of this, you need to control your mindset around when and where you consume news.

For some, certain times are less ideal than others. Maybe watching the news right before bed gets your mind spinning, so that wouldn’t be the best time for you.

Entrenador Ariel Hoffman explains this strategy:

If controlling how much news you watch is the first step, practicing positive behaviors is a close second.

2. Establish Positive Routines

Even small, positive steps and routines can support our positive mental states and help us strengthen our mindset.

Activities like getting outside, exercise, meditation, and journaling all work to encourage “feel good chemicals” in our brains, making us more likely to repeat these behaviors.

Entrenador Andrea Caprio describes her practice:

Positive routines and self-care take our mindset-management far, but sometimes you need to actively provide your brain with alternatives to focus on.

Creating a productive release of tension is one way to combat anxiety. When we try to contain our emotions, it can make the sensations of our feelings more intense. Finding a healthy way to enact the intensity of the negative emotion can relieve the feelings.

But maybe you’re in a strong mental space and want to do the work to take your mindset further.

The social restrictions could give you the extra time you need to reevaluate your behaviors and implement only those that serve you.

Entrenador Vishal Ramani explica:

Incorporating positive behaviors and thinking strategies into your everyday routine helps strengthen your mindset.

But ensuring your behaviors are positive is a critical piece of the work.

3. Beware of Negative Behaviors

In times of crisis, people may try to push anxiety away by trying to fill our lives with “escapes.” And sometimes, the easiest escapes to find are those that don’t serve us in the long run.

Entrenador Amanda Crooks explains why it is important to choose carefully:

Learning to manage your mindset is a life-long practice, but beginning the work can lead to more productivity and general happiness. It combats feelings of anxiety and overwhelm, and it supports your growth and goals.

If you’re ready to make positive changes to your mindset, schedule a 1:1 live session with a TaskHuman coach today. 


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