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junio 11, 2024 Lectura en 10 minutos

Embrace Cross-Generational Richness With Coach Teresa Muller

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Consider for a moment your workplace and the context you’re a part of. Have you thought about the cross-generational composition of this environment before? Learn more from Coach Teresa Muller in the video clips shared below.


Defining A Cross-Generational Workplace: Reflect On Internal Frameworks & Experiences



There are currently four generations co-existing in the workplace. The generation each of us was born into (and the social, historical, and cultural events of the time) provides important context for the workplace. Each one comes with its own values, influences, and unique characteristics. For example, Boomers are characterized as loyal, competitive, and have a strong work ethic. Gen X are characterized as efficient, direct, and adaptable. Millennials are characterized as tech-savvy, achievement-driven, and value work-life balance. And Gen Z are characterized as open-minded, self-directed, and creative.

While this diversity can bring about amazing benefits in the workplace like innovation, mentorship opportunities, and exposure to technology, it can also raise challenges around expectations. Learn more about how these challenges can manifest in the workplace and explore tools for embracing these differences from Coach Teresa.



Have you experienced some of these benefits and challenges in your workplace? How have you navigated these in the past?


Thriving In A Cross-Generational Workplace: Lead With Curiosity



What drives and motivates one generation does not drive another. As Coach Teresa says, curiosity is your friend. Look for similarities, be respectful and flexible, learn how your team prefers to communicate, and make the most of mutual learning opportunities.



Moving forward, what actions will you take to embrace the beauty and richness of your team? 

Connect 1:1 with a Coach to get to know your unique values and better understand your work context. Are you a leader or manager? A Coach can help you create an inclusive and adaptive leadership style! 


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