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enero 14, 2022 Lectura en 12 minutos

Brendan Nash-Beresford Gets Grounded with TaskHuman

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Life and business can mirror each other with ebbs and flows of busyness, where we run in circles, moving from one thing to the next without really being present. And while feeling busy isn’t inherently bad, for Brendan Nash-Beresford, it was becoming too common. He became separated from the people and things he cared about and he decided he needed change. He wanted to be more in-touch with himself, his family—and his life. 

Luckily for Brendan, his employer BTS works to help their employees find work-life balance by including TaskHuman as part of their benefits package. Brendan started using TaskHuman to see if he could reduce his feelings of having too much to do in too little time and feel more “in-the-moment.” Now he feels more present and more connected to the people around him.

Here’s the full story:

Feeling Overwhelmed

During a hectic period at work, Brendan found himself bringing that busy feeling into other parts of his life. He went through the motions but felt disconnected from himself and the people around him. He knew he wanted to become more grounded—more connected to his own life, but he wasn’t sure how to start.

“One of the wellness goals that I wanted to achieve was just to be a bit more grounded—a bit more connected to myself—rather than running through the endless ramblings of life,” he says.

Questioning the “Right” Path

Brendan knew he wanted to be more mindful in his everyday life, but he was confused about the best way to get there. He wondered if he should try meditation or a more traditional mindfulness practice. While he knew there was no “wrong” answer, he also knew there was a better way for him to achieve his goals. He just didn’t know what it was—or how to find it. Trying to figure it out for himself only made him feel more overwhelmed.

“If I go back to my first call,” he says, “it was just about exploring the difference between mindfulness and meditation.” 

Initial Skepticism

Since his company added TaskHuman as part of their benefits package, Brendan reasoned he should give the app a try. But he was skeptical that high-quality instruction and real personal connection could come from an app, especially since his professional background is in the virtual field. But the professionalism and whole-heartedness of the TaskHuman coaches proved him wrong.

“Initially I was a little bit skeptical with 1:1 virtual,” he says. “I work in the virtual field anyway… It’s been an interesting experience. It’s been great.”

Connection With a Coach

Brendan met with several coaches at first because he knew getting the right vibe with one was important. But when he connected with Coach Anita Steele, everything fell into place. With her help, he started feeling more grounded in chaotic situations and began feeling more reconnected with himself. Her plan gave him the steps he needed to make progress toward his goals.

“[Anita] has helped me focus quite a lot on meditation and being grounded in certain situations where I wouldn’t normally be grounded,” he says.

Creating a Plan

Now, Brendan primarily uses the app to work on his mindfulness with Coach Anita Steele. He connects with her at least three times per week to make sure he stays disciplined in his practice. But he’s looking to add more to his schedule. He knows he can develop in other areas using the app. In fact, he’s looking for the right coach to work on his fitness and dog training too!

“I spend about three sessions a week with her,” Brendan explains. “These are coaches that I’ve engaged with and that I seem to resonate quite well with.” 

Staying Consistent

While he has appointments with his coach three times a week, he stays connected to her more than that through the in-app chat feature. Having an ongoing conversation with her means their relationship continues to grow and he gets the feedback he needs on days he doesn’t meet with her.

“I’m on the app three – four times a week,” he says.

Loving the Convenience

Having a professional help him create a plan of action to reach his goals is one reason Brendan thinks using the TaskHuman app works. Another reason is because the app is convenient. Because the coaches live all over the world, users have access to top-notch professionals at any time. Scheduling with them is easy, since they’re super responsive, and their expertise covers enough fields that you can find someone to help you with all of your wellness goals.

“I would say convenience is the number one thing,” Brendan explains. “If you’re looking to develop yourself…TaskHuman provides that convenience or that level of convenience you wouldn’t traditionally find in any other setting.”

Try It Out

Brendan’s advice for new users is to just “try it out.” Newbies need to understand that scrolling through the coaches to find someone who seems like a fit for your needs is part of the process. Then, start a chat conversation to see if you want to meet with them. The TaskHuman coaches understand users need to feel comfortable and connected with their coach. They will help you learn who they are and how they work to get a sense of if they’re a fit for your needs.

“Go through the coaches whichever topic you’re looking to engage on,” he says. “Pin-point someone you feel resonates with you.”

Finding a TaskHuman coach for your wellness goals means you’ll have a professional in your pocket. Someone who wants to see you succeed as much as you do will be there to support you through your journey.

Download the app and start building your connections today!


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