31 de octubre de 2024 Lectura en 2 minutos
Begin A Mindful Eating Practice

Beginning a alimentación consciente practice can positively impact all dimensions of health and simultaneously influence self-trust and confidence. The key is approaching it non-judgmentally with a beginner’s mindset and patience. However, the benefits are innumerable! For one, mindful eating can allow us to “enjoy whatever shape our body takes and trust that it’s where it needs to be to function the way it wants to function,” affirms Coach Haley. Learn more in the clips below from wellness coaches Haley Smith y Shraddha Shah.
What Does Mindful Eating Mean?
Mindful eating includes being fully present and creating conscious awareness around food and food consumption. As Coach Haley points out in the clip below, mindful eating can be nuanced since there isn’t one singular way to practice it.
How Mindful Eating Differs From Mainstream Diets
Many benefits of mindful eating include the focus and intention of the process around eating rather than rigidity or being limited by specific results. Says Coach Shraddha, “being in touch with your body and knowing how your individual body works helps you make decisions more easily and naturally.” Adds Coach Haley, “Mindful eating can be a gateway to building self-trust.”
Exploring The Mind-Gut Connection
Did you know it can take up to 20 minutes for your mind and gut to communicate and provide accurate hunger cues? The process of slowing down while eating can help you make an informed decision and feel more in control, explains Coach Shraddha in the clip below.
How To Practice Mindful Eating
Según Coach Shraddha, there are five key principles of mindful eating: honor the food, engage all your senses, serve modest portions, savor small bits, and be aware of hunger and fullness cues. Regardless of where you are on your mindful eating journey, Coach Haley shares some additional guidelines to get started in the clip below.
Connect 1:1 with a Coach to learn more about mindful eating and identify and overcome the emotions that may arise on your mindful eating journey.