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diciembre 19, 2019

5 Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season


‘Tis the season of holiday cheer, festive parties, and family-time galore. This all might sound merry and bright, but do you actually find yourself feeling nothing but stressed out during the holidays?

Well, not this year…

This holiday season, tons of TaskHuman pros are available for 1:1 EN VIVO video calls to help you get ahead of your holiday-stress before it hits.

To get a taste of how our coaches can help you manage your stress during the holidays, check out these handy tips straight from the pros (our TaskHuman pros) themselves!

Tip 1: Be present

The holiday season is the perfect time of year to connect with your family and friends—especially the ones that you don’t get to see very often. To make the most out of this special time together, it’s important to be truly present with your loved ones and avoid the many distractions that might come your way.

Entrenador Jamie Carroll has some great tips for staying present during the holidays. 

Tip 2: Set Boundaries

Spending time with family can be full of love and laughter, but it can also bring on some added pressure and stress. The key to managing these stressful feelings is to set healthy boundaries ahead of time so you can feel confident and calm during an already hectic time of year. 

Take a look at how coach Alexis Elliott suggests setting healthy boundaries with family. 

Tip 3: Focus on quality time

Remember that the holidays are all about spending quality time with those you care about. Try to make plans ahead of time and include your family in the decision making process so no one feels left out or thrown for a loop. This will set expectations for what the holidays have in store for everyone and will proactively set aside some quality time together.

Entrenador Lisa Richardson agrees.

Tip 4: Stay active

It may seem like a tough time of year to get your sweat on—between the hectic schedules and cold weather—but staying active during the holidays is key to managing your stress. When you take time for yourself—and your health—during this busy time of year, you’re welcoming the opportunity to clear your mind and move your body in between all of the festivities. 

Check out how coach Heidi Maher stays active during this cold and snowy time of year.

Tip 5: Keep it simple

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by your busy schedule during the holidays. Remind yourself that you don’t need to say “yes” to everything. Take control of your calendar and only commit to plans that are realistic and that you feel comfortable doing.

Here’s how coach Jill Sodini makes her holiday plans as simple and stress-free as possible. 

To sum it all up…

Getting through the holidays without stress is easier than it sounds when you apply our 5 tips above.

But, we want you to have an extra special year. So we’d like to leave you with one last tip…

Bonus tip: Ask for help. Tons of TaskHuman pros are available during the holidays for 1-on-1 live video calls at the time and place that works best for you.

So get to it! We think you’ll be really glad you did. 

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