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diciembre 23, 2019

4 Fail-Proof Ways to Set Healthy Boundaries During the Holidays

set healthy boundaries

This time of year can bring on lots of happy memories with family and friends, but can also mean lots of together-time and inevitably, little alone-time.

One sure-fire way to keep yourself calm and confident this time of year is to set clear, healthy boundaries. Easier said than done? Not anymore…

Right now, tons of TaskHuman pros are available to talk you through your unique situations and help you come up with ways to set healthy boundaries during this busy holiday season.

Below is just a little taste of all the ways our coaches can help manage healthy boundaries during the season. Here is what some of our coaches had to say about healthy holiday boundaries:

Tip 1: Be kind.

You might be socializing a lot during the holidays. Whether you’re spending time with family, friends, co-workers or all of the above, everyone’s dealing with their own story and possibly their own struggle.

Deciding beforehand that you’re going to choose kindness will help create a positive vibe around you. It might even improve your health. That’s right. Being kind can reduce stress and even ease anxiety. How’s that for a holiday bonus?

Here’s what coach Sedae Slaughter has to say about being kind.

Tip 2: Say “No” when you need to.

Happy hour? Sure! Office party? You betcha. Holiday gathering? Family dinner? Oh my! When there are so many wonderful invitations coming at you, it’s easy to forget about the time you need to take care of you.

Simply saying “no” or “thank you, but I can’t make it” is 100% acceptable, especially during this busy time of year. Ultimately, it is up to you to manage your schedule and your energy. You know how much time you need to yourself and how much time you need to recharge. 

Entrenador Patricia Joy agrees.

Tip 3: Be prepared.

Do you tend to get the same questions from the same people each year? Do you fear having the same arguments time and time again when family gets together? One way to make sure you’re staying levelled is to think about these exchanges ahead of time and prepare a calm and collected response. This will ensure you’re coming from a place of clarity instead of reaction. And, it’ll be much easier to enjoy yourself.

See what coach Rachel Goebeler has to say about anticipating challenges.

Tip 4: Be honest.

Whether it’s about how much work you can accomplish, how much time you’re able to spend with visitors or how much cooking you’re able to do, be honest about how much you can actually achieve (while keeping your sanity, of course). 

Setting realistic expectations with friends, family and colleagues will help offset any confusion later.

See what coach Clarissa Pyles thinks about setting realistic expectations.

Related: 5 Tips For A Stress-Free Holiday Season


We can eat all the kale and avoid all the cake. But if we don’t set healthy boundaries for ourselves during the stressful holiday time, feeling as healthy as possible is sure to be a challenge for most of us.

Setting boundaries is way easier to do with the TaskHuman team behind you, especially with the tips we shared above.

Want to be even healthier this holiday season? Recognize when you can’t do it all alone.

Bonus tip! Ask for help. Tons of TaskHuman pros are available during the holidays for 1:1 live video calls at the time and place that works best for you.

Book a Session Today!

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