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noviembre 11, 2021 Lectura en 6 minutos

Three Ways to Shift Your Mindset From Negative to Positive

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3 ways to shift your mindset from negative to positive

Both positive and negative thoughts are part of being human, but if you have a negative mindset, it can be detrimental to your wellbeing. By constantly having negative thoughts, you can attract more negativity to you, and miss out on many of the joyful parts of life. The good news? Your mindset isn’t fixed; you can change it! Here are three ways to shift from a negative to a positive mindset.

1. Start From Neutral

Sometimes when we realize we’ve been stuck in a negative mindset, and we decide we don’t want to be there anymore, we feel the need to be positive right away. Unsurprisingly, this may result in frustration because it’s too big of a jump for our brains to make at once. It’s important to be patient with ourselves—moving away from negativity and toward positivity takes time. 

Instead of trying to take a big leap, take baby steps and aim for a more neutral mindset. 

A neutral mindset is when you’re not thinking positively o negatively. You’re just being, and you feel a calm centeredness. It is when you’re in this neutral mindset that you can launch yourself into a positive mindset, according to TaskHuman Coach Meredith Prewitt.

Escuchar como entrenador Meredith Prewitt explains more here: 

Using an exciting activity to open yourself up to a positive mindset works because the excitement triggers the same neurons as other pleasurable activities. You are enabling your physical state to change your mental state.

2. Build Strong Positive Foundations

Just like a building, you can create a more positive state of mind for yourself by working on the foundations of your emotions. 

Entrenador Jatin Adlakha notes the importance of remembering how you are blessed—even in small ways—and thinking about all you are capable of doing or accomplishing. He believes this is what gives you a baseline for positive thinking, and is what can support your entire mindset transformation.  

Hear his explanation below:

Being grateful for what you have while also doing something that excites you could be the push you need to change the way you think.

3. Give Yourself Time

Any change takes time, including altering your mindset. For many people, these mental shifts follow a “two steps forward, one step back” pattern—and that’s okay. Give yourself the patience and time you need to transform your mind. 

Small changes are still changes, and you should celebrate them, says TaskHuman Coach Sara Spittler

She shares her insight here:

Changing your mindset takes consistent practice and application. If you want expert help getting to a neutral mindset, building foundations, and being patient with yourself, contact a TaskHuman coach today. They are ready to help you work through your mental blocks, so you can develop gratitude and joy in your everyday life.


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