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Sustainable Performance Module Overview

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Burnout Prevention

Welcome To The Sustainable Performance Module!

It’s time to focus on recognizing the signs and symptoms of burnout and how to prevent it. 

To get started, programar una sesión with a TaskHuman sales coach to discuss best practices and get individualized support. Looking for a coach who speaks another language? See our recommendations below.

Prepárese para su llamada

Dedica unos minutos a preparar tu sesión 1:1 para ponerte en el estado de ánimo adecuado. Piensa qué apoyo necesitas en este tema y cómo te ayudará a alcanzar tus objetivos. Anota un par de preguntas para formular a tu tutor de TaskHuman. Comience por responder a esta pregunta: ¿Con qué necesito ayuda hoy? Si aún no estás seguro, simplemente pide a tu entrenador su mejor consejo sobre el tema.

Want more information about what you can expect from a coaching session? Take a look at this article on the benefits of coaching.

Want to get started right away? 

Check out this curated list of content that will help you prevent burnout while maintaining your performance.

Topic: Burnout Prevention

Book with coaches below that offer 1:1 Burnout Prevention sessions in other languages.




Book Burnout Prevention Session

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