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Find the Right Mentor, at the Right Time

Connectivity At Scale

Mentor Conversation

TaskHuman believes in the concept of coaching. As a real-time coaching platform we believe employees need to find the right support at the right time. Mentorship should be delivered in the same way – easy on both parties, and seamless!


Mentorship Needs to Support The New Workforce

Mentorship taps into your organizations knowledge, skills and leadership team to support your organizations employee ecosystem, but with the shift to virtual and remote workplaces, finding and connecting with a mentor is harder than ever. 

What if you could have mentorship available to any employee at any time, anywhere, and always with them throughout the year and even throughout their career?


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Mentorship Made Simple

Internal Coaching. For All.

Employees need advice and support from people who have the expertise to help them make a difference. Now, employees can find mentors based off a skill based search to best select off of their unique needs. Mentorship Coaching at TaskHuman eradicates the idea of employees only having one mentor, and allows the freedom and accessibility to have multiple mentors within an organization to better develop the employee.  

Business woman

Create A Culture Of Coaching

Cultive relaciones profesionales significativas e impulse la progresión profesional con la plataforma TaskHuman Mentorship hoy mismo.




Building Culture in Uncertain Times

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