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noviembre 1, 2019

TaskHuman Origin Story


“Experience is the best teacher.” Julius Caesar is credited with coining the earliest version of this phrase, but it still rings very true today. We all have meaningful wellness goals in life that can be accelerated, if only we had the full experience and knowledge of how to achieve them. Goals like getting healthier by losing 20 pounds, reducing illness by balancing your food intake, following sleep routines for optimal recovery, or achieving a higher level of performance in your favorite sport are best achieved by engaging deeply – and often – with specialized and experienced coaches like:

  • Tiffeny Parker: Olympian athlete with a knack for strength training and passion for goal-setting
  • Clarissa Pyles: Trusty resource in pilates, flexibility, and so much more
  • Laurie Angress: Skilled specialist in yoga, meditation and mindfulness
  • Miriam Campos Root: Stress-management and lifestyle-change master
  • Lindsay Lapaugh: Former fast-food junkie turned clean eating and meal prepping pro
  • And hundreds more pros covering 1000+ wellness topics

However, even with all of today’s technology, finding such great specialists still remains complicated and time consuming. Online search results, forums, and review sites all direct you towards helpful information and people…but leave you with millions of links and DIY videos, and a headache from sorting through it all.

With TaskHuman, you can instantly video call multiple “on-call” coaches, schedule calls with busy ones and overall, stay engaged with awesome wellness pros until you accomplish your goals. All sessions are 1:1 live video calls with real human coaches through your smartphone or tablet! No need to waste time scrolling through generic search results and videos, leaving voicemails and waiting for callbacks, or actually driving to a place to see someone.

Not only is TaskHuman convenient and easy to use, it’s also revolutionarily affordable. Buy as many minutes as you want and use them on any coach and any topic. That’s right, one price for minutes, but hundreds of coaching possibilities.

We founded TaskHuman with the belief that wellness is your fundamental human right. Our app enables you to connect instantly with great coaches across 1000+ wellness topics and in the process, become your greatest and well-thiest self!

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