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Desarrollar hábitos saludables
smoothie rosa con almendras cerezas y col rizada

30 de marzo de 2023

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Cinco trucos mentales para construir una mejor versión de ti mismo

¿Está preparado para cambiar pero no sabe por dónde empezar? Ya se trate de perder peso, completar un triatlón o abandonar un mal hábito, la verdadera transformación no sólo requiere un compromiso físico, sino también determinación mental. La fuerza de voluntad... Seguir leyendo

Condición física
baile bollywood baile bollywood

1 de febrero de 2023

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Express Yourself Through Bollywood Dance

Growing up, Megha Pradhwani danced to the colorful sights, stunning choreography, and enticing music of Bollywood music flashing from her TV—sparking her soon-to-be lifelong passion for dance. In this TaskHuman Talks Podcast episode, coaches Jamie Carroll… Seguir leyendo

Desarrollar hábitos saludables

enero 3, 2022

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Listen to Your Body: It’s Telling You About Your Bad Habits

There are so many things we do everyday without deciding to do them ahead of time. Things like where we put our keys, where we shop, or how we spend our free time. Most of… Seguir leyendo

TaskHuman User Journeys

octubre 22, 2021

Angela Hubbard Stunned Her Doctor With TaskHuman’s Help

So often people in “giving” professions put themselves last on the list. They are so busy supporting everyone else in their lives that they don’t have the time or energy to take care of themselves. Seguir leyendo

Bienestar mental
burnout prevention blog cover

mayo 19, 2021

4 Signs That You’re Heading Toward Burnout

Modern society has conditioned many of us to have a “go, go, go” mentality. We push ourselves through our days and don’t stop to rest. With this lifestyle, it’s no surprise that we can find… Seguir leyendo

TaskHuman User Journeys
Peter DiFonzo_Blog Header (1)

noviembre 21, 2020

Peter Improves Posture with TaskHuman

While working from home has a lot of perks, it also comes with some sacrifices, including a less-than-ideal ergonomic setup compared to what you might have (or have had) at the office. Talk about taking… Seguir leyendo

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