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junio 25, 2024

Plan For Retirement

Plan For Retirement

Desired Program Outcome:

Retirees will feel prepared and empowered to navigate retirement with confidence and purpose. They will successfully plan their financial future, adjust to a new lifestyle, find happiness, and discover meaningful ways to stay engaged in their communities. Our coaching promotes a fulfilling retirement experience, addressing challenges such as isolation and career transition effectively.

Program Objectives:

TaskHuman’s Life Events Coaching aims to support soon-to-be retirees by helping them plan for and thrive during retirement. Our programs focus on retirement planning, lifestyle adjustment, finding happiness, discovering life purpose, setting meaningful goals, fostering community involvement, and managing the transition from work life to retirement.

Program Audience:

This Program is designed for the the following persona(s):

  • All Users

  • Specifically soon to be retirees

Program Overview:

TaskHuman’s Life Events Coaching is dedicated to supporting employees during significant life transitions, fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture. Our coaching programs are tailored to address specific life events, ensuring employees receive the guidance and support they need to navigate these events successfully.

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