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September 9, 2024

Build A Coaching Culture From The Managers Out

Build A Coaching Culture From The Managers Out

Creating a coaching culture in any organization doesn’t just start at the top—it needs to be cultivated from the middle managers out. While senior leadership sets the tone for an organization’s strategic direction, middle managers are the bridge that connects executive visions to daily employee experiences. These managers are uniquely positioned to foster a coaching culture because they have the most direct influence over their teams; in fact, 70% of the variance in team engagement is determined solely by the manager, making them critical to shaping the overall culture and performance.
But how do you inspire and empower middle managers to embrace a coaching mindset? Here’s how to help them become the champions of coaching within your organization.


Empower Managers With Coaching Skills

Middle managers often wear many hats—balancing strategic objectives with managing teams, overseeing projects, and driving results. Adding “coach” to their role might seem daunting, but it’s essential for unlocking their teams’ potential. Equip managers with the skills they need to coach effectively. This includes resources on how to give constructive feedback, ask powerful questions, and listen actively.

Provide leadership development programs and access to personalized coaching that helps managers sharpen these skills. When managers understand how to coach effectively, they’ll feel more confident in their ability to guide their teams toward success.


Embed Coaching Into Everyday Conversations

One of the easiest ways to cultivate a coaching culture is to make coaching part of everyday conversations. Encourage managers to use coaching techniques during one-on-ones, team meetings, and informal interactions. Instead of always directing or solving problems, they can guide employees by asking thought-provoking questions like:

  • “What do you think are the possible solutions?”
  • “How can you approach this differently?”
  • “What have you learned from this experience?”

This approach shifts the dynamic from a command-and-control style to one that fosters growth, reflection, and autonomy.


Recognize And Reward Coaching Behaviors

Managers are often driven by metrics and goals, so it’s important to measure and reward coaching behaviors. Highlight managers who exemplify coaching culture and recognize them publicly. This can be done through employee feedback, performance reviews, or peer recognition programs.

When managers see that coaching is valued and tied to their success, they’ll be more inclined to adopt and sustain coaching practices. Integrate coaching into their key performance indicators (KPIs), as well as your company’s strategic objectives to ensure it remains a priority.

ON-DEMAND: The Benefits of Adopting a Coaching Leadership Style →


Create A Safe Space For Learning And Growth

A coaching culture thrives in environments where learning is encouraged, and mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth. For middle managers to confidently coach their teams, they need to feel supported and safe to experiment with new approaches. Foster a culture of psychological safety where managers feel empowered to make mistakes, learn from them, and share their experiences with their teams.

Encourage leaders to model vulnerability and openness, showing that learning and growth are continuous processes at all levels of the organization.

Master Continuous Learning →


Provide Managers With Access To Their Own Coaches

One of the most effective ways to influence middle managers is to give them access to coaching themselves. When they experience firsthand the impact of personalized coaching, they’re more likely to see its value and replicate that approach with their teams.

Consider offering one-on-one coaching to middle managers through platforms like TaskHuman, where they can work on their leadership, communication, and coaching skills. As they benefit from coaching, they’ll be better equipped to lead and inspire their teams.


Shift the Focus From Results To Development

A coaching culture emphasizes long-term development over short-term results. While performance is important, it’s the development of individuals that drives sustainable success. Encourage middle managers to focus not just on hitting targets but on developing the capabilities and potential of their team members. This shift in mindset requires patience, but the payoff is a more engaged, adaptable, and high-performing team.

When managers prioritize development, they foster an environment where employees feel valued for their growth, not just their outputs.

Creating Seamless Employee Development Journeys →


Foster Peer Coaching Among Managers

Creating a coaching culture isn’t just about managers coaching their direct reports—it’s also about fostering peer coaching among managers themselves. Encourage middle managers to collaborate, share insights, and coach each other. This not only builds a stronger managerial team but also reinforces the coaching mindset across the organization.

Peer coaching can provide a space for managers to discuss challenges, offer feedback, and learn from one another’s experiences, creating a culture of continuous improvement and shared success.



Middle managers are the linchpins of your organization, and by empowering them to become coaches, you not only transform your culture but also cultivate a generation of Seekers—employees who are self-aware, growth-oriented, and committed to continuous development. This Seeker philosophy, rooted in self-awareness and personal growth, ensures that your coaching culture takes root and thrives throughout your organization.

By providing middle managers with the skills, tools, and support they need to coach effectively, you’ll foster an environment where employees feel supported, engaged, and driven to achieve their best. Start from the middle and watch your coaching culture take root and grow throughout your organization.

Want to learn more about how TaskHuman can help your managers build a coaching culture? Schedule a demo and discover the power of personalized coaching in your organization.


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