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We’re glad you’re here. You now have access to well-being experts to support your personal and professional self.

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Experience Coaching Like Never Before

TaskHuman is your new employee benefit. Accessible from anywhere, TaskHuman is a well-being platform that offers free, unlimited guidance and support with a diverse network of specialists available 24/7.

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Enjoy These Benefits As An Employee:

Free, Unlimited Access

Enjoy unlimited 1:1 video calls, group sessions, and exclusive content including blogs, articles, and videos.

Construya el equipo de sus sueños

You have instant access to a global team of specialists right in your pocket, available 24/7 for 1:1 support.

Total Well-Being Support

Your physical, emotional, professional, cultural, and social well-being are in good hands with 1000+ topics available.

Leverage Our Community

Learn from our passionate coaches through exclusive content to keep you inspired with tips and success stories.

Boost Workplace Well-Being

Join your coworkers for Group Sessions, facilitated by a TaskHuman coach.

Start Your Well-Being Journey

Psst…to get free, unlimited access, make sure your organization’s discount code is applied to your account.

TaskHuman in Action

Are you wondering what a call will actually look like? Watch this short video.


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Descargar y empezar ahora

  1. Create An Account
  2. Ir a Settings and tap on “Check for Discounts”
  3. Insert your company code – ask your HR or Benefits leader for your code


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