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31 de enero de 2023

Mentorship Program Use Case: Secure Foundational Knowledge

Woman raising hand to ask question at team training


Employees across various teams from a financial services company feel as if there has been a dip/decrease in continuous learning and knowledge retention since joining the organization. They realize that the majority of their learning came from onboarding when they first joined the company and don’t know how to retain that knowledge, as well as build on new skills. There is a general idea of “if you don’t use it you lose it” – meaning if an employee doesn’t continuously practice or use a skill they learned, they’ll forget it/lose the skill. There are off-site trainings every now and then, but the company isn’t getting the results they want since one-time training isn’t as likely to make a big impact as something more continuous.  

Graph showing that according to a recent study from MentorcliQ, 91% of mentees said they experienced competency improvement in one or more areas as a result of their relationship with a mentor.
Graphic with a quote "Due to the retirement of employees in the Baby Boomer generation, 60% of new jobs in the US will require skills that only 20% of the workforce possesses by 2016".


TareaHumano believes in the concept of mentorship, which is essentially internal coaching. With real-time coaching, we connect your employees with the right people within your organization to empower continuous learning within your team and overall company. Taskhuman builds the foundation, starting at the very beginning with facilitating mentoring for new hires onboarding, and carrying on as they become more established employees — which can even include senior executives. Employees receive advice from people who have the expertise to help them make a difference


Mentoring becomes a win-win within the company. Not only do mentees get to learn new skills from their mentors, but the mentors also get to improve their own leadership skills by working with the mentees. Employees find the right people, at the right time with perceived value –  they are clear about what they want as a mentee (and what those can give as a mentor). Employees find the right mentor for them in their unique needs, and their unique professional growth. As time goes on and things change, continuous learning through the TaskHuman platform stays constant. Knowledge and experience is shared within the organization as leadership/mentors are connected to employees. Lower talent development costs – using staff already in the org rather than bringing in 3rd party/paid-for-training courses.

The TaskHuman platform offers the ability to secure foundational knowledge.

Reimagine Your Internal Mentorship Program

TaskHuman believes in the concept of coaching. As a real-time coaching platform we believe employees need to find the right support at the right time. Mentorship should be delivered in the same way – easy on both parties, and seamless! Do you think your company can benefit from a mentorship program? Learn how TaskHuman can become a constant companion for your team, amplifying them to develop their skills while fostering internal connectivity. 

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