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enero 9, 2023

Use Case for Mentorship: Building a Community

Group of people building a strong sense of comunity with mentorship through TaskHuman

The Challenge: 

A mid-sized tech company has had their employees work remotely for the past two years and is starting to see a disconnect among them. Engagement is at an all time low and productivity is suffering. With remote work, employees aren’t able to benefit from meeting up and connecting with colleagues in person. These employees are starting to feel isolated in their job and losing the feeling of being part of a united community. 

Another company, a PR firm, has a hybrid working model since July 2021, but some employees are still having difficulties adjusting to switching back and forth between the home and office, resulting in them not feeling fully supported in their work endeavors. They don’t have a consistent way to communicate with leaders/mentors/colleagues regardless if they’re working at home or in the office.

A third enterprise-sized company is glad to have their employees be able to connect with their colleagues in person on a daily basis, but with over 5,000 people in the organization, many employees don’t even know where to start. Employees feel a bit like a drop in the ocean when it comes to blending in with their workplace atmosphere and truly feeling part of a community. There’s a feeling of choice paralyzation with the concept that a mentee/mentor relationship is exclusive rather than a mentee having multiple mentors at the same time.  

According to research by Coqual, a nonprofit think tank, as sense of belonging at work is rooted in four elements:

Four Elements of Belonging from Coqual


Belonging plays a fundamental role in employee engagement. Gallup research found that engaged employees are 22% more profitable. Setting up a mentoring program connects employees to colleagues they wouldn’t have met/talked to otherwise, and provides an easily accessible middle ground for them no matter if they work from home, in an office, or anything in between. TaskHuman creates a platform for employees to effortlessly and instantly connect with their company mentors when it works best for them. Mentors will use their unique experiences to help mentees develop new skills, build a network, set and achieve goals, and more. TareaHumano creates a community where employees can find numerous internal mentors for different skills they want to build on, learn and achieve.

Gallup research found that engaged employees are 22% more profitable.


All three companies build a professional community within their organization that works for all models (WFH, hybrid, in-office). Employees are able to nurture meaningful professional relationships with their colleagues across diverse backgrounds. They’re also feeling connected to their organization again and know exactly who they can reach out for help, advice, and support. Engagement, productivity, and retention begins to increase as these companies build a high-performance organization. “Unite people, create global communities – create unique experiences deeply rooted in the power of human connection.

A screenshot of the TaskHuman real-time coaching platform for internal mentorship programs.

Reimagine Your Internal Mentorship Program

TaskHuman believes in the concept of coaching. As a real-time coaching platform we believe employees need to find the right support at the right time. Mentorship should be delivered in the same way – easy on both parties, and seamless! Do you think your company can benefit from a mentorship program? Learn how TaskHuman can become a constant companion for your team, amplifying them to develop their skills while fostering internal connectivity. 

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