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28 de julio de 2022

Employee Experience vs. Employee Performance

Employee Experience vs Employee Performance

The Covid-19 pandemic redefined the workplace. What started as a safe work remedy for the Covid-19 virus has remained an option for many employees and companies. Many organizations embrace a hybrid or remote work model, allowing their employees to spend more time at home or in the workplace environment of their choice. While a remote workplace offers many benefits, mental health challenges have recently become apparent. The change to remote work came suddenly and was foreign to many workers. Employees and leaders had to understand their job in a remote environment and try to balance their work encroaching in their personal space.

Prior to the pandemic, most employees went to an office to work and had the pleasure of leaving their work at the office. When a pandemic suddenly moves your office to your home, balancing work and personal life becomes challenging. According to the Future of Working and Learning Focus Group, there was an increase in anxiety, depression, stress, and more people feeling lonely and burned out through the pandemic. As convenient as it sounds, a virtual meeting cannot replace the feelings of community and connectedness brought by in-person meetings.

Effect of Employee Experience on Company Growth

Many company leaders do not know that their employees’ mental health and daily experiences may damage their company’s growth. Employee experience is just as important as customer experience, and leaders need to begin treating them the same way. The pandemic brought much-needed attention to the mental health of employees. Demonstrating the Business Value of EX: A New Value Chain for Employee Experience found that 70% of respondents report their business leaders showing more interest in employee experience since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic while 46% of respondents say their business leaders have invested more in the employee experience.

Gaging employee experience can be difficult, especially when leaders use data points to understand personal emotions and experiences. Companies use large pools of employee data on topics regarding employee engagement, performance, behavior, and demographic information. While this data can help analyze specific issues and areas needing improvement, it cannot accurately represent what an employee experiences in their daily interactions at work. Especially in a remote workplace, leaders may struggle to understand the daily experiences of their employees.

Data from a Grand View Research study shows that only 38% of employees currently report being highly satisfied with their everyday work experiences. Leaders must understand the difference between employee performance and experience before fully embracing the internal experience. It’s much easier to look at data points to see that your team is completing their tasks on time, but the leaders have not fully understood the impact of employee well-being.

Companies need to understand the effect of strong employee mental health and experiences on financial gains. Only 14% of respondents were confident they could fully prove the business impact of employee experience. The Employee Experience Value Chain connects employee experience, employee performance, business performance, and financial outcomes. Evidence shows that, just as external customer experience affects business impact, so does internal customer experience determine how well an organization attracts, retains, and unlocks the full potential of employee talent.

Customer experience is a top priority for many companies. The challenge moving forward is embracing the value of employee experience. Before leaders can view employee experience as important as customer experience, leaders must ask:

  • Do we consider employees to be internal customers?
  • To what degree do we subscribe to internal experience centricity?
  • How are we managing relationships with employees with as much discipline as with external customers?

Take Action

TaskHuman is not a clinical platform but a variety of vetted coaches can help your company create a culture where leaders value employee well-being and provide resources for preventative care. TaskHuman leadership coaches can help company leaders move their mindset from employee to internal customer and support their employees’ daily needs. When you treat the experiences of your employees as equal to the experiences of customers, the company’s financial gains will follow. A variety of experienced coaches are available for LIVE 1:1 video calls on your time and busy schedule.

Whether your employees are remote, in-person, or both, TaskHuman can help keep well-being a top priority. TaskHuman coaches and group sessions can help employees find a healthy work/life balance as well as help with work mindsetburnoutgestión del estrés, and over a 1000 other topics. When employees feel supported and valued at work, success will follow. Don’t wait! Book a demo today and start seeing a change in employee well-being!

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