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Case Study: Zoom

Empowering Well-Being and Professional Growth

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Zoom, a global leader in video communication solutions, partnered with TaskHuman in June 2021 to enhance employee well-being and professional development. The primary goals were to cater to the diverse and global employee base, complement existing clinical benefits, and provide comprehensive support for employees taking leave.


Case Study: Zoom and TaskHuman Empowering Well-Being and Professional Growth

Key Solutions and Outcomes

Users praised TaskHuman for its accessibility, variety of offerings, and the quality of coaches. Key benefits included flexible scheduling, diverse topics, and strong personal connections with coaches.


  • Diverse Well-Being Support: Offering a wide range of coaching topics to meet the unique needs of a global workforce.
  • Leave Support: Providing consistent and reliable support for employees taking leave, ensuring they feel cared for and valued.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Fostering a culture of well-being and continuous improvement through regular engagement and diverse offerings.
Zoom Case Study Conclusion 2

Impact Highlights

Based on user surveys and TaskHuman platform engagement data collected over 30,000 coaching hours by Zoom employees, the following highlights demonstrate the positive effects of the partnership.

Work Engagement: 88.2% reported increased engagement with their work and organization.

Employer Support: 35.3% felt more supported by their employer.

Gestión del estrés: 81.9% experienced reduced burnout and better stress management.

Principales categorías de coaching

33% used coaching for professional development.

61% achieved work goals and performed their best.

38% improved workplace relationships.

62% utilized coaching for physical fitness.

30% focused on healthy eating.

83% felt physically healthier.

42% pursued personal growth and development.

61% balanced work and personal life more effectively.

39% sought support for mental and emotional well-being.

82% reported reduced burnout and better stress management.

52% felt more equipped to meet life’s challenges.

80% reported improved financial wellness.

Zoom Case Study
Total Hours of Coaching
Avg. Satisfaction Rating
Initial Usage Rate
Repeat Usage Rate
reported reduced burnout and better stress management
achieved work goals and performed their best

Zoom Users Amplified With TaskHuman


TaskHuman has significantly impacted Zoom employees by enhancing their well-being, professional development, and organizational engagement. Despite some challenges, the partnership continues to evolve, providing crucial support during times of transition and stress. The ongoing efforts to increase engagement and refine offerings ensure that Zoom employees receive the best possible support to thrive both personally and professionally.

Case Study

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