febrero 22, 2024 Lectura en 2 minutos
Welcome To The TaskHuman Healthy Eating Level Up Challenge

Let The Games Begin!
Welcome to the TaskHuman Healthy Eating Level Up Challenge, a 31-day journey on TaskHuman where you and your colleagues can vie for exciting prizes! As we celebrate Nutrition Month in March, immerse yourself in personalized 1:1 sessions covering eight essential well-being categories, with a special emphasis on nutrition. Dedicate time to the areas of your life that matter most to you.
Challenge Dates: March 1st – March 31st
Where: On the TaskHuman platform.
🏆 1st Place – $400 Caraway Gift Card
🥈 2nd Place – Gift certificate for a cooking class for two
🥉 3rd Place – Aero Indoor Garden (Harvest Elite)
Earn Points:
Each minute spent with a TaskHuman coach translates to one point, and attending a group session earns you 45 points.
Let’s make March a month focused on eating healthier, improving your diet, or simply feeling better. Let’s get started!
Get Started With These Popular Topics
Explore a personalized well-being journey by delving into these common nutrition goals. Let our coaches guide you towards a healthier, happier you.
Hit Weight Loss Goals
Craft a balanced diet, conquer food cravings, and discover healthier alternatives.
Coaching Topics: Weight Loss, Alimentación conscientey Managing Emotional Eating
Foster A Healthy Gut
Optimize gut health to feel better from the inside out.
Coaching Topics: Digestion Support, Managing Bloatingy Understanding Food Sensitivities
Start Eating Healthier
Transform your pantry with nourishing options and make informed choices.
Coaching Topics: Reading Nutrition Labels, Guided Grocery Shoppingy Making Healthy Recipes
Embrace a Plant-Based Lifestyle
Transition to specialized diets such as veganism or vegetarianism.
Coaching Topics: Raw Foods, Vegan Livingy Plant-Based Eating
Optimize Workouts With Nutrition
Maximize the impact of your workouts through strategic pre- and post-exercise nutrition.
Coaching Topics: Pre-Workout Eating, Post-Workout Eatingy Understanding Macronutrient Counts