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Valerie Cupp domina sus objetivos personales con TaskHuman

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How good are you at making time for your wellness practices? Do your healthy habits fall to the bottom of your “to do” list, especially at the end of a workday? Sure, making time for yourself can be hard. But is that really a good excuse?

Especially when more and more employers are recognizing that they need to help you prioritize your well-being. They know that supporting employees’ overarching health and wellness ultimately leads to greater engagement & productivity, and helps them to retain employees during hard times and competitive markets.

Valerie Cupp’s employer, Reachdesk, understands this idea. She regularly put herself last, but when her employer added TaskHuman as part of their employee benefits, she thought it could help her find a routine she would stick with.  

1. Getting Started

When Valerie first downloaded and introduced herself to the TaskHuman app, she immediately “began exploring” the offerings. The wide variety of wellness topics and the different approaches of the specialists fascinated her. She quickly found that certain subjects drew her attention most. 

Those topics were: Pilates, yoga, nutrition, goal-setting, and financial literacy. She knew she couldn’t take on all of those topics to start, so Valerie narrowed her focus to Pilates. She realized the fitness element was most important to her first. Life and the pandemic threw off her exercise practice, and she noticed how much she missed it.

“It was just getting back into working out a bit more,” she says.

2. Finding the Right Fit

Sometimes people download the app and connect with the first coach they check out. And other times, users need more time to become comfortable with reaching out to the professionals on the app. Valerie did a lot of research on the coaches, and while she was finding people she thought she could connect with, she still hesitated to jump in.

So, like diving into a pool, she eventually decided she had nothing to lose, and to take the plunge .

“I was just like, ‘Ok, I gotta do this. Gotta click the button. Book a session,’” she says.

3. Personalized Coaching

Valerie found a coach she connected with on her second try. And while the connection is important to her, she also values how her coach responds to her needs. Valerie loves the individualized workouts that support and push her.

She recognizes that this personalized focus is a strong benefit of working 1:1 with a coach in real-time via video. You get to know each other and can respond more effectively and fluidly.

“I feel very fortunate that on my second go, I found a super-friendly, personable coach who really is just all about helping me hit my goals,” she says, “and putting together our session to be solely around how I’m feeling that day.”

4. Ease of Use

Valerie loves her coach, but she also loves how easy TaskHuman is to use. Since finding a professional in the area you want to develop is just as easy as it is to book a session, you can tailor your appointments around your life schedule. 

There’s no need to bend your life around the class schedule, so it makes consistency easier. Life can happen, but you can schedule your session for a different time.

“I book my sessions, and then I’m committed,” she says, “and there’s an accountability there because I have a set time and day that I’m meeting this person.” 

5. A Great Coach Makes a Difference

Rachel Greene is Valerie’s go-to Pilates coach. Valerie connected with Rachel and loves the classes Rachel builds. She feels like her connection with Rachel allows them to work together better. Rachel learned Valerie’s strengths and weaknesses and knows how best to propel Valerie toward her goals.

“I think that she’s really awesome at listening to what I need but still motivating and pushing me to, you know, really get a workout in,” she says.


6. Regular Use Creates Results

Valerie reached her goal of consistent workouts and improving her physical fitness through the app. By booking in advance, she can make sure she gets the number of sessions she wants each week. And for Valerie, knowing it’s on her calendar and someone will be meeting her, she knows she’ll keep the appointment.

“I’ve been booking sessions 3 to 4 times a week,” Valerie says.

7. The App Helps You Save Time

A less talked about benefit of the app is that you can have your workout at home. You can fit in a 10 minute stretch session or 45 minute financial wellness lesson when it works for you, and you don’t need to add in drive time.

That time savings helps keep consistency too because you can get the same benefits in, with less time. And it is time when you are free: in the morning before work or in the evening after the kids are in bed. Whatever time works best for you, you’ll be able to find a coach who can help you.

“It’s also super-simple for me because I don’t have to leave the house,” she says. “I don’t have to drive 20-30 minutes to go to the gym or go to the Pilates studio.”

8. Have the Conversation

Valerie took her time to connect with a coach when she first started using the app. She wanted to be sure she narrowed down the initial choices to people she thought she would connect with. For her, it was the bios and other information that helped her find her possible matches.

But she also knows it can be easy to fall into a research cycle and not ever book a session. To stop that from happening, Valerie reminds you that the first sessions are meant to see if you and the specialist are a good fit for each other. 

“Just keep in mind that it’s super-flexible and just setting up a session with one person, if it doesn’t feel like it’s the right match or fit for you, that’s ok,” she says. “Keep exploring more and check out other coaches.”

Using TaskHuman to build consistency and accountability into your routine is the first step in getting a jump on your goals. Finding a coach you connect with and you respond well to is the second step. TaskHuman makes staying on track with all of your wellness goals simple no matter where you are or what you need.


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