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junio 10, 2021

Jaqueline Finds Human Connection and a “New Normal” Workout Routine


“TaskHuman was a life-saver,” says Zoom employee, Jaqueline.

A self-professed “people person” and confirmed cardio lover, Jaqueline has found human connection and an effective workout routine through TaskHuman. Learn more about Jaqueline’s journey using the TaskHuman platform.

1. Starting Out

2. Building Relationships

One feature that sets TaskHuman apart from other wellness platforms is the quality of coaches available. TaskHuman coaches love getting to know their clients and seeing them thrive. The relationship they develop with you is as important to them as it is to you.

These quality relationships quickly became important to Jaqueline. The time and dedication of the coaches Jaqueline worked with offered value and support.

“They know my needs,” Jaqueline says.

3. Reaching Goals

When Jaqueline started using TaskHuman, her primary goal was to lose weight and feel more like her “normal” self.  

“It was all through TaskHuman and exercising,” says Jaqueline of how she reached her goal.

The benefits of using the TaskHuman platform allowed Jaqueline to embrace her inquisitive side too. A life-long learner, she started working with an Ayurveda coach to learn more about this holistic wellness practice.

4. Developing Practices

Wellness is a practice, and the TaskHuman platform allows you to seamlessly build the practice into your busy life. The convenience of having expert coaches available when you are is another aspect that Jaqueline loves about the platform.

Jaqueline uses the platform 3-4 times a week between her two go-to coaches, giving her the balance she needs to meet her goals and satisfy her desire for human interaction.

5. Connecting with People

The traditional model of going to the gym for personal training is shifting. Now, people are more willing to connect through video calls. Some people, though, may think that while training through video is convenient, the quality is less.

Not so, assures Jaqueline.

TaskHuman exceeds expectations by connecting exceptional coaches with clients on a 1:1, EN VIVO basis.

“The experience is amazing,” Jaqueline says. “It is possible to talk, possible to share energy. You still have human interaction. It is amazing!”

6. Taking the Plunge

Even though video calls are extremely common, it’s common for people to hesitate before reaching out to a coach. Jaqueline feels it is worth getting over any nervousness, since the quality of coaching makes any initial discomfort disappear.

“You’re in your home,” she says. “You’re in a safe space. You’re just sharing your screen.”

Head aquí to learn more about Jaqueline’s journey. 

Human connection and well-being are more important than ever. If you’re ready to start (or restart!) your wellness journey, reach out and connect with a live TaskHuman coach via video call today.


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