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Unlock Your Potential: Harness the Power of Collaboration

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Back in 2020, the world was rocked by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we were all shown just how important our approaches to teamwork and collaboration were. 

Many of us surely understated its significance until then.

As businesses shut their company doors and employees are sent home to work remotely, open communication and engagement with others became crucial for business continuation. 

Even today, with the world being in a somewhat normal place, companies still span the globe, millions work remotely, and more freelancers, entrepreneurs, and start-ups outsource their tasks. 

The world is hyper-connected, and collaboration is vital for it all to run smoothly.

More so than ever.

But what does collaboration actually mean?

I can assure you it’s more than just a corporate buzzword, and today, we’re talking all about it, exploring what it is, and how you can use it to grow and scale your business and projects.


An Introduction To Collaboration

You don’t need me to tell you that collaboration means working together, but it’s important to remember that this is just the surface-level definition. 

It goes far deeper than that.

Think of collaboration as more of a journey.

It’s when people come together and share their expertise and knowledge in creating a solution for a particular project or task. It’s the coming together of people towards a common goal.

This could be about educating and inspiring each other, working through problems, or even failing together.

However, while we all know the importance of collaboration at heart, it’s still often undervalued. 

At the heart of any organization, as highlighted by Coach Gloria Er, is a tapestry of diverse talents and backgrounds. It’s collaboration that seamlessly binds these individuals, allowing for a confluence of varied perspectives aimed at a unified goal.

In truth, it’s a learned skill, and with many of us not proactively working on our collaboration skills, how we communicate and work with others impacts the business’s success. 

Innovation is neither a formula nor an accident— it’s built by people. 

The secret sauce in all great inventions is collaboration. 


The Benefits Of Collaboration At Work

Working together has obvious benefits that most of us understand innately. However, without being clear on them, you can never truly work towards becoming a truly collaborative individual or team.

Share And Solve Problems With Others

What do you do when projects get stalled? You ask for help from your colleagues. 

After all, two (or more) heads are better than one; we can get things done more efficiently with the help of others. 

By pooling colleagues with different expertise and skill sets, problems can be resolved more effectively and efficiently. 

When we are met with complex tasks or issues, we seek a wide range of input from others to help us find a solution. Having people with mixed skills and diverse backgrounds can eliminate further issues being raised.

Teams combine unique talents and skills with a group of individuals. One idea triggers another idea. 

One opinion is challenged by another with a different viewpoint, thus creating a discussion. When a harmonious synergy is activated, innovation is created, and the possibility is endless. 

Boost Morale And Bottom Lines

Businesses and employees share a common goal — to make money, and lots of it. How do you achieve that? By working together. It’s no good having an excellent leader without their team’s support and shared vision. 

Studies show that 86% of employees and executives cite a lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures. In other words, to succeed and achieve goals, it is necessary to cooperate with our colleagues. 

This is why companies value cooperation.

When our combined efforts achieve a milestone or a win, we feel a sense of pride and joy. When we share the load with others, we share our triumph with them too. We pat each other’s back. We congratulate one another for the hard work and ultimately make any difficult and complex projects worthwhile. 

Develop Meaningful Relationships

Life at work does not need to be laborious and tedious. 

There are ways in which it can be made easier and actually fun. 

At the end of the day, we spend 30% of our waking life at work, so it’s no coincidence that we naturally develop meaningful and lasting relationships with our colleagues. 


It All Starts With Building Trust With One Another

Coach Gloria emphasizes the importance of authenticity and curiosity in fostering genuine workplace relationships. Approaching colleagues with genuine interest in their ideas and showing the willingness to initiate authentic conversations can go a long way.

Some companies organize team building exercises and all-expense ‘away days’ to encourage and develop good team collaboration among their employees. Why? Employees desire a strong sense of community. Once trust is built, employees find it difficult to leave as they form an unbreakable bond and loyalty with one another. 

Trust is earned through incentives, reduced bureaucracy, and adequate autonomy. 

When employees feel supported and trusted, they are willing to foster healthy collaboration with others, which can lead to providing value to customers. 

Regularly working with colleagues from different teams opens up new channels of communication. It also creates an opportunity to learn new things, gain fresh insights, and understand their pain points, priorities, and even how they think. 

This is extremely beneficial and valuable in the future of working relationships. 


Collaboration Techniques To Get Things Done

As companies grow and scale, employees are faced with new challenges.

Since 2020, most organizations have adopted a hybrid working model whereby employees are no longer expected to operate in offices five days a week. 

What this means is finding new ways of creating online and in-person spaces for open communication and connection to remain accessible for the smooth operation of the business. 

Although there are pain points that employees face today around sustaining cooperation, there are ways in which organizations can encourage employees to help one another. 

Defining clear lines of responsibilities

This is particularly important for new hires, and an organizational chart can help with this. Clearly define roles, responsibilities, and expectations for each team member.  Ensure all team members understand the roles and responsibilities of their teammates and stakeholders. Knowing each team member’s responsibilities empowers everyone to connect with the right person when they need help. 

Establishing clear communication channels

Communication is essential for collaboration and is the backbone of any hybrid or remote team. Use a combination of tools such as video conferencing, chat, and project management software to ensure seamless communication. Hold regular team meetings, 1:1 check-ins and maintain an open-door policy to contribute to a transparent and collaborative work environment. 

Listening is just as important as sharing your own opinion

A balanced approach when leading a meeting or engaged in conversation is key to ensuring every opinion is heard. Good collaboration requires receiving and giving feedback. It also requires asking questions and listening carefully to learn new information and understand another’s point of view.  Be sure to include everyone in the conversation so that all opinions are heard and understood. 

Understanding different ways of working with other colleagues

Companies are made up of people at different life stages. Some have a young family, while others are beginning their careers. Pay attention to how different people on your team manage tasks, communicate with others, and approach problem-solving. Be flexible and willing to adapt your style to accommodate diverse preferences to suit individual needs. Regularly catching up and scheduling at least once a month in-person meetings can provide you the opportunity to ask directly what your team members need and to better understand their preferred ways of working and communicating with others.  

Fostering a strong team culture

Building a strong team culture can be challenging when working remotely, but it’s critical for team cohesion and engagement.  Organize team bonding activities, whether virtual coffee breaks, team-building exercises, or casual hang-outs. Promote a culture of inclusivity and recognition, celebrating achievements and milestones to foster a sense of belonging and community among team members. 



Creating a culture where everyone is encouraged to contribute, communicate and cooperate with others impacts the trajectory of business success. It’s a process that is worth investing in. 

It’s a process that should start from when a project starts or when you onboard new hires.

Being proactive in your approach to collaboration lays the foundation of their learning experience, allows them to step out of their comfort zone, and helps boost their visibility in the company. 

Over time, a collaborative environment at its best results in a synergy that leads to winning.

Looking for additional support when it comes to harnessing the power of collaboration? Reach out to a TaskHuman coach to get the guidance you need. 


Book Coach Gloria →

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