14 de octubre de 2023 Lectura en 5 minutos
Las 8 actividades de autocuidado más importantes

There’s the old saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” It’s true. When we forget—or don’t make time—to nurture ourselves, we’re not able to give our best to ourselves or those around us. Self-care is an important part of wellness and overall health. It supports movement toward your overall goals and recharges you, so you can keep going.
The individual and personal nature of self-care means there is no “one-size-fits-all” routine that will work. However, there are some elements that usually work for most people. We rounded up the top self-care strategies from TaskHuman coaches. And with their years of expertise in almost every area of wellness, you know these are going to be worth trying! Here are TaskHuman coaches’ top 8 self-care strategies:
1. Positive Self-Talk
Positive self talk sets the tone for your mental resilience and mindset. Too often when something doesn’t go the way we thought it would, or should, we fall into the trap of listening to the inner critic that is all too quick to remind us of our unworthiness. That voice needs to be silenced—and a positive, compassionate, and self-loving one needs to take over.
If you’re having trouble finding a kind voice for yourself, you can think about it differently. You wouldn’t speak to someone you cherish with the same level of negativity and cruelty. It can help to talk to yourself like you would a friend.
Remember to be kind to yourself—it will go a long way when it comes to your self-care and well-being.
2. Sleep – Lots Of Quality Sleep
Sleep is often one of the first things sacrificed for the sake of others. There are situations that require us to have less than ideal sleep, like studying for an important exam or caring for a newborn. But making sleep deprivation a consistent lifestyle habit goes away from self-care and wellness.
Sleep is essential to your health, and wanting more high-quality sleep is not indulgent. It is wise and necessary.
3. Deep, Clean Breathing
Take a moment and observe your breathing right now. Are your breaths full and slow? Probably not, right?
Making sure you’re breathing deeply and thoughtfully seems simple enough, but can be difficult to keep up with. The benefits of deep breathing are undeniable, from slower heart rates to increased immunity, so it’s important to start incorporating better breathing into your day.
The benefits of deep breathing go beyond reducing stress. When done correctly and regularly, it opens your body and mind to make other healthy decisions.
Breathing is important. It is a sign of life. Use yours to lead you to your best life: deep, rich, and full.
4. Mindful Eating
What we put into our bodies not only makes us feel a certain way but also makes us think a certain way. If we regularly load up on unhealthy or quick-energy foods instead of prioritizing nutritious meals (at least a portion of the time), we might be subconsciously telling ourselves that we aren’t worth the effort of eating well.
The impact of food on our health and wellness is strong. Adopting the belief that ‘food is medicine’ can help you realize the impact and give you the willpower to make good food choices.
5. Reflection
When we practice reflection, we often work through our emotions and thoughts about a subject. The process allows us to “dig deep” and get to the bottom of our thoughts.
As self-care, reflection gives us the opportunity to think about ourselves holistically and identify where we are thriving, and where we could use more discipline.
Reflection gives us the opportunity to know where we are and plan a path to where we want to be.
6. Playfulness
As a kid, no one says, “When I grow up, I want to be boring.” Yet, as adults, we can lose our fun-loving natures under the weight of our responsibilities.
The thing is, that’s a choice.
Yes, we have to have jobs, pay our bills, care for our families, but the time around those responsibilities are ours. We can live them joyfully and playfully, should we choose to.
Our age doesn’t need to be the determining factor of our level of joy. Allow yourself the self-care of play.
7. Time Alone
It often feels like there is always someone, or something, demanding our attention. A good self-care practice is to regularly find time to unplug, disconnect, and step away.
When we are alone, in relative quiet, our minds can stop reacting and just be, giving our over-stimulated minds time to rest.
The next time you find yourself alone in the car, try turning off your radio for the drive. See where your mind takes you.
8. Freedom Of Self
In a society where we are bombarded with messaging that we are “not enough,” being who we are can seem like a bold statement.
Yet, staying true to our core values and beliefs, and being brave enough to express ourselves genuinely and whole-heartedly, can be one of the most honest forms of self-care. Being yourself brings honor to the fact that you are uniquely you.
You have a combination of talents, abilities, and passions that no other person on the planet has or will have. Use them fearlessly and lean into being who you truly are.
Updated December 2024