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Charlas TaskHuman: Comprender la salud hormonal de la mujer

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Portada de Haley TT

Stigma and a lack of education can prevent many women from understanding their menstrual health and cycle. In this TaskHuman Talks Podcast episode, coaches Jamie Carroll y Haley Smith discuss how you can enhance both your physical and mental well-being by achieving healthy hormonal balance. Whether you’re looking to conceive, or on a journey to better understand your body, Coach Haley can help you get started!


Learning About Hormones & Fertility 

The Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) refers to a collection of tools to track your cycle and your body’s three main fertile signs. Learn about them below, and other strategies to monitor your health more closely.



Tips For Cycle Tracking

Understanding what your body is trying to tell you is essential to building a foundation of hormone health.  As Coach Haley shares in the clip below, these foundational factors include stress management, sleep health, and nutrition. 



Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle

Learn how to develop a healthy relationship to/with your menstrual cycle including recommendations for digital tools to support you. 



Conecte directamente con Coach Haley and get started on your hormonal wellness journey through personalized guidance to track your cycle and better understand your hormonal health!

Vea la grabación completa del podcast a continuación:


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