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Charlas TaskHuman: Aclare sus objetivos financieros

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Blog sobre bienestar financiero

“Money is a tool and you can use it for the things that add to your life rather than the things that detract from your life.”


A financial wellness coach can support you with budgeting, offer advice for investing, help you reflect on your mindset around money, and more. In this TaskHuman Talks Podcast episode, coaches Jamie Carroll y Suzanne Marsh discuss the power of goal-setting to gain clarity and take charge of your finances to live the life you want.  


Understanding Your Mindset Around Finances & Spending

Do you avoid looking closely at your budget and spending because of shame or judgment? If so, you’re not alone, according to Coach Suzanne. Most of us hold beliefs about our spending patterns, which is why it’s all the more valuable to understand what your current habits are.



Financial Self-Care

Regardless of the state of the world and economy, people should be putting their financial well-being first by taking care of themselves and prioritizing their long-term goals. In times of economic turbulence, emergency savings funds can be helpful, but so can things like reflecting on spending habits influenced by marketing.



The Green-Yellow-Red Approach To Budgeting 

Coach Suzanne suggests printing out your financial statements and taking the time to go through them using the green-yellow-red system. This means labeling your expenses by necessities (green), discretionary spending (yellow), and red (items/costs that don’t bring true value to your life). Looking at your spending habits and patterns without emotion can help you to reflect and reset some of your values around money.



Healthy Financial Habits 

Según Coach Suzanne, everything starts with a budget, and it’s good practice to get in the habit of reassessing and revisiting your budget any time there’s a shift in expenses. Other key financial habits include being mindful of credit card debt and picking strategic sectors to invest in to reduce risk.



Conecte directamente con Coach Suzanne to gain clarity around your finances and create an impact in your life!

Vea la grabación completa del podcast a continuación:



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