Inspiración para convertirse en su yo más sano
13 de enero de 2025
5 consejos para sacar el máximo partido a su 2025 Coaching
“Proper planning promotes positive performance.” No doubt you’ve heard at least something similar to that at one time or another. And for the most part, we do it quite well — most often, for everyone and everything around us except ourselves. When it comes to a successful personal coaching journey,… Seguir leyendo
21 de abril de 2023
Apoyar el bienestar mental en un mundo pospandémico
Ayudar a las personas a mejorar su salud fue la razón principal por la que me hice médico. Pero después de estudiar medicina y trabajar en el sector farmacéutico, me di cuenta de que la medicina tradicional no era mi camino. En su lugar... Seguir leyendo
junio 29, 2021
Ready For A Digital Detox? Focus On These 3 Things
Do you ever catch yourself obsessively checking your phone notifications? Even without realizing it, we pick up our phones several times a minute. Sure, our phones can help keep us connected, but there’s no doubt… Seguir leyendo
mayo 19, 2021
4 Signs That You’re Heading Toward Burnout
Modern society has conditioned many of us to have a “go, go, go” mentality. We push ourselves through our days and don’t stop to rest. With this lifestyle, it’s no surprise that we can find… Seguir leyendo
mayo 27, 2020
6 Tips To Strengthen Your Mind (and a Bonus!)
May is Mental Health Awareness month. But really, mental wellness should be practiced and prioritized year-round. And while there are many classified forms of mental disorders, even people without a diagnosis benefit from good mental… Seguir leyendo